Nuancing the freemasons, the real state of their affairssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #illuminism7 years ago (edited)

There is a lot of incorrect - both deliberate and not - info about the freemasons and the current situation in the lodges after the Jesuit infiltration of their ranks through the Bavarian Illuminati formed by Jesuit agent Adam Weishaupt on the 1st of may 1776, something that horrified 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish rite, John Robison, enough to write a book about it which he named "Proofs of a Conspiracy".

So, what's the deal with those pesky masons? What's really going on?

It leads all the way back to the classic left-right brain hemispherical struggle, the schismatic curse upon humanity symbolized by the double-headed eagle and Yahweh, the two-faced god.

The factional infighting tearing away at the freemasons can roughly be divided as such:

Authentic freemasonry:

God (as in authentic christianity)
Individualism (freedom and sovereignty => The American Constitution)

Illuministic freemasonry:

Atheism (luciferianism, Babylon etc.)
Collectivism (submission and despotism => The Communist Manifesto)

It's not a coincidence that The American Constitution (individualism) and The Communist Manifesto (Collectivism) both came out of freemasonry.

Notice, that Islam is symbolized by the (silvery) moon and the word "Islam" itself means "submission". Contrary to common belief, Islam is actually strongly subconsciously driven by a right-brain submissive and worshipful female mentality pathologically comparable to the front rows at Beatles and Rolling Stones concerts back in the day. What were these rows comprised of? Yes, nearly all worshipful submissive females! Also notice, that Muslims walk left (left-hand path) around the Kaaba which is a black cube. The black cube is an ancient symbol for Saturn which in ancient Babylon was synonymous with Satan. Orthodox Muslims are really just a very sad flock of deluded loosers, led into mentally- and physically detrimental inbreeding to make them more easily controllable by the catholic church who managed to capture them through yet another feat of insidious golemization like so many others who have also been caught up in an abstract collectivistic goldfish bowl designed by the ancient dynastic bloodline oligarchy. But how did it come to be this way? How were they captured into the matrix?

According to Jesuit defector Alberto Rivera, the Catholic Church concocted Islam as a "theological weapon of mass-destruction" to be used to clean out Jerusalem and the surrounding areal of real Jews and Christians defiant of Rome, so the Vatican itself could take the area afterwards. Rivera was, according to himself, informed about this along with 3-4 other Jesuit priests at the Vatican by a Cardinal named Augustine Bea. Shortly after Rivera started singing, he died of food poisoning! According to Rivera, Bea said, that if the truth about the intimate relationship between The Catholic Church and Islam ever came out, it would destroy both faiths and this is certainly not hard to imagine! 90% of humanity would be quite pissed off!

According to Bea, Muhammeds first wife was a Catholic agent and the real source of his early revelations in Mecca as she took her instructions from The Vatican. After Muhammed moved to Medina, he started getting (extremely despotic) revelations of his own and this was the point where the cobra turned around on it's master. It took Jerusalem, but now refused to comply with the Vatican! Islam was now a mighty force in it's own right and not about to bow for anyone. In other words: Islam was back then artificially created as a proxy army to be used by The Vatican to clean out "undesirables" from areas desired conquered in exactly the same way it's being used today in Syria and many other parts of the world where domination is desired by the same family-dynastic supranational oligarchy which today runs the Rhodes Roundtable globalist system complex it also founded. Cecil Rhodes was swayed at Oxford University by his professor, a man name John Ruskin who was a neo-platonist neo-baylonian occultist hugely fascinated by medieval Venice which was the european base for the Venetian Black Nobility whose descendants go back to Phoenecia and ancient Babylon and before that, possibly Sumer too. The ruling bloodlines are ancient aryan persians by ethnicity according to Leuren Moret who claims to have the proof directly from uncorrupted russian genealogical databases she personally went through. Rushkin also happens to be the main philosopher of The Fabian Society and the UN's Agenda 21 is derived directly from Rushkin's vision for a future eco-fascist world to be ruled by a philosopher king in full accordance with Plato's idea for an authoritarian collectivist world government. In his own time, Ruskin saw himself in the role of that philosopher king and "modern" illuminism still sees him that way. Rushkin became the Muhammed of modern illuminism.

Another example of Jesuit/Illuminist "masonic" destruction is the sad state of Sweden. Have a look at this screenshot snapped from the highly recommended documentary called "In The Shadow of Hermes". This is a part of a socialdemocratic (and thereby Fabian) union flag. See on the top of it? What is that? Yes, exactly!


Just look at Sweden today and compare it with what I listed under "Illuminist Freemasonry" above. State-feministic authoritarian collectivism is right on the money!

No wonder supremacist radical socialist nutcases (certainly, third-wave feminists are included here) and supremacist islamic lunatics have found each other. The underlying right-brain pathology is the same and their useful idiocy serves the exact same beneficiary who both leftists and "devout muslims" claim is their biggest enemy! This is a massive case of controlled opposition. They are sick, twisted up and deluded mental twins by their shared underlying pathology and the golemizing architect of their respective paradigmatic mind prisons of course know this full well. Islam is driven by a false sense of "surface masculinity" with a strong femi-pathological undercurrent delivering unquestionable submissive compliance with the fictitious authority of Allah that one day replaced the pope of Rome as the (covert) earthly master of Muslims. Just as the protestants circumvented the pope for their access to the abrahamic god concoction, so did the muslims.

Sweden today is totally under control of Illuminist freemasonry. "Benign, for you own good" state matriarchal feministic collectivism under top-down control by social engineering done by an exempted male elite operating through hopelessly compromised state as a hidden iron fist in a silk glove insured by an armed horde of useful idiot male order-followers is right up their alley as is the design- and installation of the pathologically female mindset driving the mindlessly obedient submission and blind worship of believing muslims.

The fabianist welfare state system best exemplified in Sweden, Norway and Denmark has been conditionally frozen up by getting the majority of the population locked into a personal existential conflict of interest with the socialstate.

As the master Fabian George Bernhard Shaw put it:


This is how the welfare state ticks and why it's an extremely immoral construct. In practice, you just have to foment a general societal reality condition (by using the hegelian dialectic) that ends up producing more "Pauls" than "Peters" and what I call "distributed despotism" (despotism without a single dictator figure that can be brought down for change) will become reality. The majority of the now existentially state dependent will start surveilling their own friends, acquaintances, neighbours and colleagues, even their own family members and start misappropriating state power to patrol the privately employed that produce all the wealth for later re-distribution to themselves after harvest (under unselfish excuses of course!) to make sure that nobody "cheats" or "robs from them" (notice the narcissistically driven self-righteous reversal of logic necessary to establish the self-righteous delusion of their own moral supremacy and entitlement) and they will vote for more and more and more surveillance and control to keep the money from privately employed wage slaves flowing to their own pockets. The system dependent majority essentially turns all of society into an energy vampiristic farm upheld by a monopoly on violence with it's own immoral and criminal conduct legalised for the purpose of serving the corrupt from the lowest of the low to the highest of the high. It's a stinking cesspool of corruption.

When the expenses of the socialstate eventually rises above the size of it's loot, the existentially state dependent transgressors, totally corrupted by their own self-interest, will simply not care as the privately employed are the ones that will have to pay off the debt that they establish for their own benefit through their own politically prostituted machiavellian representatives. The illuminists themselves, hovering high above their own instigated mess, smile sardonically from behind the curtain as they are the ones that make the interest on the resulting sovereign debt. See how that works? The supranational elite - through compromised states - bribe one part of a population with money threatened out of the pockets of another and the tipping point in a democracy is when there are more receivers of wealth than creators of it. Then it's game over for the violated as far as democratically channelled solutions go. A vampire doesn't stop until it's done and it's never done.

There is only one way to bring down a despotically cultured democratic society that has gone overboard this way as it's hopelessly drunk on a narcisstically self-infatuated belief in itself representing unquestionable moral authority and the answer is to take total control over who gets to access the fruit of your own wealth creation.

Figure out the rest yourself from there, I plead the fifth...

If the current developments in demographics continue without rationally sane interruption, europe - at least the western part of it - will end up in the grip of a new collectivist totalitarianism which can only be islamo-socialism. This will be just like national socialism, but much worse by magnitudes as it clearly appears to be in the hands of a much, much more ravenous mass-murderous power, the one that the national socialists tried to bring down in their own politically clumsy and rather unrefined way. Just look at what the illuminist occultists did to Russia with their Bolshevism (see "In The Shadow of Hermes" for the occulted details on that. The documentary is supposedly banned in both Sweden and Germany). If that happens - and unfortunately, it very likely will - you now have an extremely good bid on who owns it.

You should now also have a good understanding of why we all suddenly have to hate, despise and fear Russia and why the illuminists are trying to poke the bear into action while claiming it's aggressive and complaining about it. Putin appears perfectly aware of the gist of this writing which quite well would explain his recent anti-globalist elite speeches, his counter actions and counter measures of course being laid out as "aggression" by the Illuminist NATO-calibrated presstitute media, even though no borders are crossed and no wars are covertly instigated by the russians in this present day and age.

Could Putin be controlled opposition too? The risk is there, but I see it as unlikely. I think Putin actually likes Russia and that he's royally pissed of about the illuminist genocide against Christian orthodox Russia. Do you think Putin himself might have lost several family members on that account? You bet!

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