
You have a great eye for composition but what is the deal with using the panorama stuff on your phone? 😅

My eyes thank you!

I get bored with reality/normality so i just mess with it to shake it up a little. Probably all that art school dadaism and some cubist ghosts having a go with me

Maybe it's the age thing, as I am still a kid that is in awe of the world around her and I don't have the need to alter reality too much.

But I don't eat dirt anymore.

I'm not sure about the age thing...

I was screwing things up at 5 years old in kindergarten and my school put some of my paintings on the wall in the main hallway and started me on this life of crime. Lol

I always wanted to try the wheat paste it smelled really good but i was afraid it would glue my stomach shut or something awful. You probably missed out on the kids all time favorite drug - smelling the mimeograph paper sheets when they were fresh out of the machine. Hard to explain if you've never done it. Now i'm really confessing to being old as dirt!

I do have to admit, I had no idea what a mimeograph is, had to google that one, looks fascinating!

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