Congratulations CointelPro Agents & Internet Sleuths You Have Made a Mockery of the Truth

in #illuminati8 years ago

When I say the Word "Illuminati" now the Average "Super Intelligent" Person Says "Tinfoil"...

Despite an overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary, people treat the "Illuminati Conspiracy" with about as much intellectual integrity as they do Aliens, Reptilians and Flat Earth. In fact the inclusion of these other conspiracies with the "Illuminati Conspiracy" has made the entire thing a laughing matter to the average "intellect" who blows these topics off as nonsense because there is a Doritos commercial making fun of it. So despite the fact we are clearly entering into what is philosophically described as the "Externalization of the Heirarchy" by Alice Bailey, the average person on steem or the internet ignores all the evidence and makes tinfoil hat jokes. As if a conspiracy of Central Banking Families to rule the world through finance and to groom puppets via occult groups like Skull & Bones doesn't exist. As if the massive amount of occult symbolism displayed through every form of mainstream media is merely coincidental. So thanks to social programming the average person is aware of the term "Illuminati" but thinks it is nonsense. This is because the term "Illuminati" is used improperly and social programming still works...

"Ya'll Haters Corny with that Illuminati Mess" - Beyonce'

So due to an overwhelming amount of people waking up to this real conspiracy, the mainstream media has done everything it can to turn this into a joke. Don't investigate the very real existence of pedophile trafficking rings, human sacrifice, occult connections to serial killers, or the meaning of the occult symbolism embedded into every movie or t.v. show I have seen over the past three years. Just listen to Beyonce and call the whole thing an "Illuminati Mess", because actually researching the topic and reading books is too difficult. Just blow the whole thing off because a few mainstream people told you to, congratulations the "alternative media" and television programming still works. Ignore the fact GMO pizza is literally toxic and disgusting, and laugh at the "conspiratards" who think the Illuminati is real, and the Earth is flat, despite the fact Flat Earth is a psyop to discredit real research into this subject...

Pizza Hut "Illuminati Commercial"

The Illuminati like Bilderberg Has No Name

The Illuminati itself has no name, so by using the name Illuminati, you are technically referencing an older version of the conspiracy that no longer exists. This is a common tactic to muddy the waters with dis-info. In the ad above notice the Flat Earth reference directly in the commercial. Thus the psyop Flat Earth that is literally designed to discredit research into the "Illuminati", by connecting Flat Earth with the Illuminati and flooding YouTube with nonsense videos it makes people think the whole thing is nonsense. Same goes for the overhwelming amount of crap videos about symbols and hand signs that have no relevancy. Then to ensure the waters are further muddied with CointelPro Agents, bring forth Mark Dice and Alex Jones, who are complete sensationalist shills and now obvious Trump fan boys. So anyone new to this "Illuminati" conspiracy will come across them and likely turn away. Of course as I mentioned above the term "Illuminati" is misused because the actual "Illuminati" founder Adam Weishaupt wrote himself, that as soon as the group was discovered, and it was in the 18th century, they would go by no name after words. Just like the Mafia is named after Mazzini, but has no official name, it is just that "thing of ours". The Illuminati since it's discovery has had no name. What the group really is, is the modernization and centralization under the House of Rothschild of all the former occult groups into one philosophy, into one corporate entity. There is obvious infighting and fracturing as each individual within the collective vies for position based on influence and the wealth they provide for the group. However when you look at the financial data from PLoS One, you can clearly see an Global Interconnected system of financial controllers who all operate for the benefit of the MNC's and the Central Banks. So just like "Bilderberg" which technically had no name, the Illuminati have no name for the group, so there is literally nothing you could call them that would be correct. They knew that anything that can be identified, can be destroyed, so they rule from the complete shadows behind the power of finance and influence. Creating Groups like the "Group of Thirty" or "Bilderberg", or the Bohemian Grove. The only way to identify the actual Illuminati is through finance, and via the doctrines laid out by their philosophers such as Adam Weishaupt, which can be seen in their actions as they are employed. Such as their creation of a European Superstate over time via influence from the Bilderberg Group. This is how you identify them, finance and political doctrines, and accurate analysis of esoteric symbolism in media. Don't worry that the financial connections between George Soros, Madeleine Albright, Lord Jacob Rothschild, and the World Bank are 100% intertwined like in Helios Towers Africa, I am sure this is "coincidence" as well...

Screen Shots of Helios Towers website

Don't Talk about the Pedophile Trafficking Rings

The average person who thinks the "Illuminati" is completely fake, is often the same person who knows nothing about OpDeathEaters, or the Franklin Credit Union CoverUp, or the Jeffrey Epstein Island, etc. The very inner core of their puppets are controlled via sex bribery and blackmail. In the current election as I pointed out months ago, both the Republican Candidate Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are connected to Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile trafficker, who has a black book full of A list celebrities like Alec Baldwin, and even British Royal Family members. Furthermore Epstein made all his money working directly for central banks like Chase Bank. Of course The Morgan Chase Family is directly connected to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Of course no conspiracy here right? This is all just verifiable coincidence right? The fact the central bankers have pedophilia blackmail to hang over the head of both Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and possibly even Hillary, never mind countless A list celebrities, is just coincidence, these aren't THE EXACT doctrines laid out by the actual Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt or anything. Pizza Hut and some internet "investigators" say otherwise so it must be so.

An International System of Financial Enslavement

The exact doctrines laid out by the "Illuminati" are the exact doctrines being employed by every government under the control of the World Bank / IMF system. The implementation of a Global Police State, the implementation of Global Governance via trade deals that financially enslave the countries they are put into. Trade deals that are called "Free Trade" yet are so full of regulations they only benefit huge MNC's that have corporate lawyers who can wade through the mountain of red tape. A Government that has become partners with the MNC's against the will of the people, anyone who doubts this go try and read the TPP or the TTIP, go look at what NAFTA has done. These doctrines are being laid out, directly from the philosophies of the "Illuminati" but because that term has been so misused no one bothers to read what they said would happen. Instead they blow the whole thing off and instead of knowing their enemy, they declare it is all nonsense, and society continues to get worse. Books full of evidence of the influence of modern secret societies such as "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" by Jim Marrs or "Proofs of a Conspiracy" by Jon Robinson go unread by the very same people who claim the Illuminati doesn't exist. While the doctrines laid out by the Illuminati in writing become ever more prevalent in our society. The Externalization of the Hierarchy continues to move forward leading us into the final social cataclysm, the ultimate chaos to bring forth the chance for a New World Order.

Sticking your head in the Sand and declaring Freedom isn't working

This is to all you haters, that don't take the time to study your enemy and understand the system we are being enslaved by. Declaring your independence won't mean a thing if the central bankers use their puppets to start a World War Three, a final social cataclysm as they have described in countless ways. Their Ordo ab Chao aka Order from Chaos ideology that is being pushed to the breaking point of a World War Three and economic meltdown. Will these two things happen anytime soon? I don't know, probably not for awhile, I am not trying to sell gold or my financial advice (TDV = sensationalist nonsense), but the point is they are a possibility when they shouldn't be. We should not be using a financial system that is literally a giant ponzy scheme that could blow up in our faces at any time, the Federal Reserve system must go. Furthermore, we shouldn't be electing leaders and allowing them to stay in office when they have created a situation that could lead to a global Nuclear / Hyper-Sonic weapon war, that would kill basically everyone on the planet. I would say that we need to have a serious discussion about this "Illuminati Conspiracy" rather than throwing eggs at anyone who uses the term and calling them conspiratorial. So until the average person can learn some comprehension skills, and do their own research, I feel this topic will continue to be unjustly ridiculed instead of discussed.

Thanks for reading my blog post and watching my video! Don't forget to vote and follow me @TitusFrost for more hard hitting and sometimes just for fun posts!

Image Credit:

  1. Illuminati Conspiratard
  2. Beyonce Illuminati
  3. Bilderberg Meme
  4. My Screen Shot
  5. My Screen Shot 2
  6. Adam Weishaupt Sex Bribery Pre-edited
  7. Adam Weishaupt Sex Bribery Pre-edited
  8. Heads Stuck in Sand
  9. My Steemit Selfie

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