Last Chance to Visit the 'Doomsday Vault' - Illuminati message?

in #illuminati7 years ago

Last chance - Doomsday vault Steemit.png

Original story from

The message from Lord RayEl's Imperial Regent, Angelus Domini:

"'LAST CHANCE TO VISIT THE DOOMSDAY VAULT'... The Illuminati sends this message out to the world, so that the 'enlightened' are warned, as the doors on the world's doomsday bunkers are now being sealed shut, in preparation for what is about to come!!!"

The article from tells us that the "Doomsday Vault" is a "New Age Noah’s Ark with Scandinavian design sensibilities".

A warning from Matthew 24:37 that typically relates to the corruption of mankind, and most likely flooding... could also relate to the Ark connection with the 'Doomsday Vault'.

Matthew 24:37
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

We are presently living through the prophesied end-times, you can get related information here:

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It makes sense that they should close and even seal it up soon anyway. Still, I feel like it is very unlikely that this facility is solely intended for the publicly expressed purpose. Maybe I'm just cynical, but it seems like a waste of a secure location if nothing of a more sensitive nature is stored there. In addition, for the expressed intent of safeguarding the future food/ecological supply, would it not make more sense to create multiple sites as failsafes against a single one being critically damaged or inaccessible?

your message is timely in this generation. Our race need the sign of Noah before believing but my prayer for mankind is that they should receive an encounter that will make the difference.

This place has always interested me.

The time is now

I heard they wanted to make some changes to is quite a time to close the doors, so to speak.

Time to go to the bunkers~

Very telling!!!

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