"Today is what happens when tomorrow is passing through NOW, to become yesterday" -- Craig Grant

in #illuminati8 years ago

My imagination is natural and the the Internet is a mechanical copy, like the plane is a copy of a bird.

Nature is perfectly in balance with the machine, like bird to plane, but the bird has freedom while the plane does not. Being one with nature, I can see how perfect the system is, and be free with nature while the system serves me like a slave.

Human being = bird that asked it self "how can I fly?", then fell out of the sky and devolved to invent a plane.

The best method to maintain emotional balance is to spend time alone in nature far away from the mechanical world, at least 3 times per week.

Write this on your bedroom wall.... "It's my world, and I define everything in it as I would like them to relate to me".

The word "fact" has no meaning in my life, only the word "NOW" is relevant, is real.

Even if I try to delete or ignore the idea of there being the "other", the other will make sure to tell me that it/he/she does exist and disagrees with at least 50% of what I say.

Without my ability to judge, others cannot exist.

To say "I create" is too much perception of responsibility, so I flow, as everything has already been created for me, for experience in my now.

For me it is a waste of time to prove, disprove, or ask questions about reality, because doing that is me setting limitations for my self, life is more fun just being free.

On the highest level in the game called "LIFE", there are only 2 possible answers to every question, it's either NOW, or imagination.

Reality grows, evolves, changes gradually, naturally like a plant, just let it go and let it flow... Craig :)


Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

Lao Tzu


That was sick good man! Unreal Job!

I am l ucky enough to be able to go to a farm we have a fair amount of times a month. I also believe nature balances us in our daily lives. Ill post on it later so you can see .

Not much of a spiritual person but a complete nature person I am!

Maybe nature is my spirituality?

id loos e the gun, doesn't suit you ;)

I'm an actor sometimes... the gun :)

The Key is Balance ~ what an Awesome Inspiring post !

Awesome energy Craig. I really enjoy reading your posts and watching your videos. Pretty hard concept for me to follow. I've been changing and trying lately to worry less and live more.

beautiful words :)

I love your stuff but why include the word illuminati? Just curious on your take Craig.

I illuminate I = I shine my light = ILLUMINATI, it's not a group thing :)

"It's my world, and I define everything in it as I would like them to relate to me".


shot you an upvote

Literally just thought I wonder what @craig-grant is up to and whether he is going to make a new post this morning. I know I say it a lot, but I love your insight in steemit and your outlook as a whole. Not sure about what kind of time you have but thought something like this might benefit a lot of people Weekly Audio Podcast. Would love to hear your thoughts on this sir! Hope the day finds you well.

I have been down-voting every comment that promotes a link to something else in my comments section, because I dislike it allot, and never do it myself :)

Understood. Sorry for that, but I am unaware of how to share ideas with some people I respect without trying to find them on the chat. Is there a better way? I will gladly refrain from posting links on your comment section in the future.

one way could be to type the idea out in the comment

keep in mind that commenting is valued the same as blogging, so you can earn rewards for a good comment as much as you can for a blog post

I usually do, but feel that sometimes my comments are so long that it is unfair to others. I actually just wrote a post about this very topic, because there are times when I would like to directly contact people and bounce ideas off of one another. I have a relatively small audience so some of my larger ideas don't gain traction without some other people also thinking that it has merit. I'd like to make a system where people can easily chat with one another if they wish. Especially newer users, but without the need to post in the comments. Similar to a facebook messenger idea but with a few added tweaks to specialize it specifically for this platform. I feel like even if I had written out my idea and posted it in your response box, it would still be out of place and I have no real way to know how to or if I can chat with you outside of comments. But hopefully something can be worked out, because I realize what you are saying makes sense. We shouldn't be "link spamming" or it will become a trend regardless of the original intent. And with comments being a critical part to steemit I agree that they should be focused on the post at hand. I appreciate you calling me out on this and making me think.

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