in #illuminati7 years ago

Many are now becoming aware of the disasters occurring since the repeal of Glass Stegal and the subsequent Quantitative Easing plus many other Kabuki style theatre the Federal Reserve plays out, but that is not what this article is about.
What I want explore today is my Monopoly Game Theory. Most of you are aware of the current fraudulent Fiat money system. To clear this for the few who may be new to this, let me first say Fiat is not an Italian car company it is a Latin word for “let it be done”. It is a mind boggling money creation scam that has rendered the entire planet under total servitude to a few extremely cunning Bankster families, yes truth is stranger than fiction.
Fiat money is money whose value is not derived from any intrinsic value or guarantee that it can be converted into a valuable commodity (such as gold). Instead, it has value only by government order (fiat). Usually, the government declares the fiat currency to be legal tender, making it unlawful to not accept the fiat currency as a means of repayment for all debts. Paper money is an example of fiat money.
Fiduciary money includes demand deposits (such as checking accounts) of banks. Fiduciary money is accepted on the basis of the trust its issuer (the bank) commands.
Most modern monetary systems are based on fiat money. However, for most of history, almost all money was commodity money, such as gold and silver coins.
Assuming now most are aware of the mind boggling simplicity in which money, (finance) is created (out of thin air essentially) and all that gives this newly created worthless currency, I will refer to it from now on as currency. As it’s really not money as it does not pass the five qualification that define money. Which I will explain at a later time. Its called currency as it’s a reference to water and the flow of it.
Now I am sure that for the readers whom grew up in the Western World I am sure most as children played the game of Monopoly. That fantastic game that taught many the basics of Capitalism and wealth creation through Feudalist methods of land and property ownership and rent return by the serfs. One is aware that in order to play the game one first needs to be given an amount of currency in order to be able to commence.
My theory is very simple. As currency is created out of thin air and has no value other that the confidence in it, and the decree by Government’s. Why then when we enter this Grand Game called Life why aren’t we issued with a predetermined amount of game currency to then go off and play the life game.
I know a lot of people may first think inflation as an issue but when a player leaves the game i.e. dies, as in Monopoly his currency is returned to the issuer. As well as this each country around the world should be allowed to issue its own currency for public works and community benefits at zero interest. I know that won’t be good for the Bankster business model but hey they had their turn. I am giving a brief over view as time is limited in this article.
In any case I know it’s childish, but what the hell, it would be loads more fun for the average person and also great for Consumerism/Capitalism. A win, win for all. In any case as it stands right now the current game rules clearly don’t work so what do we have to lose?



"It's a big club...and you ain't in it!" - George Carlin :-)

One of my favourites...
Thanks amigo

Love George, heres one of my posts, I'm sure you have seen it
Here it is anyway
By the way I've followed and upvoted you
Boomerang please

There should be a millennial edition of Monopoly where you just walk round the board paying rent, never able to buy anything.

Thats so true and funny, thanks.

In all honesty, I cannot claim it as an original thought. Just something I saw a while back, and remembered.

Ask the former residents of Holodomor what we have to lose.

Now I need to be more lucid in mind to answer that one, but I will ask...

I agree with you 100% sorry it took so long to get back to you i dont get message notifications.

That's ok amigo...
Thanks for taking the time to read

Were in this together

Very true....
no one person is smarter than all of us together
The beauty of steemit!

Y understand steel have brain.
Life is not Game. Gold have been money for 5000 y and steel are.People just do not know it.Banking cartel steel used Gold .
People steel used paper who clever.

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