Embrace- the biggest empire the world has ever had

in #illuminati7 years ago

The ONE WORLD Colony is about to finally happen. After hundreds and thousands of years since the creation of human life, we are finally coming to the biggest event, mankind has ever experienced & achieved.

Completion of a one world human colony. The Final Chapter is nearly complete.

People should not be afraid of the One World colony, it should be embraced and celebrated.


Humans have been trying to form a one world colony since human life began. Now after thousands of years of attempts to achieve the one world colony, finally humans have nearly reached & achieved the goal of the one world colony.

Some people may see this as a bad thing & be afraid of the future because of this and some people will see this as a positive. The only right way to look at this for your best future and happiest future is to see this as a positive event in mankind.

I hope my explanation below will give you a different way to look at life with the forth coming one world colony.

We are about to enter in to a new Global change and the start of a new one world colony on earth, we will finally become as one, after thousands of years on earth this has never happened. It’s the biggest event in the history of mankind. “A One World Colony”

People need to realise this, people need to understand this & people need to see this for what it is.

If you understand and take a deeper look at the facts of life, nature & human cells. They all have a common purpose & trait, their prime function is to survive, grow, gain knowledge, reproduce & protect.

Human life started as a tiny cell, the aim of this tiny cell i.e. the sperm cell & egg cell its purpose is to survive, grow, reproduce, gain information and protect.

From this tiny cell we became a human beings, still with the same prime functions to survive, grow, gain knowledge, reproduce & protect the same as when we was just a cell.

Over time humans gained more and more knowledge on the best ways to survive, grow, gain knowledge, reproduce & protect, exactly like the other intelligent animals & insects on earth, they formed colonies to enhance protection, food production, reproduction, growth, knowledge and most importantly to “SURVIVE”

Building a colony is a natural process of nature since life began. Exactly the same as ants and bees.

Human colonies were formed exactly the same for survival, growth, knowledge, reproduction, protection. In order to have the best possibility of survival humans formed colonies, in order for the human colonies / people to survive they need to become bigger colonies, it’s a fact of life and a process of nature. Colonies have the same prime function to survive, grow, gain knowledge, reproduce & protect.

So with an understanding of a colony to survive it needs to become bigger, inevitably colonies needed to then conquer other colonies to become bigger to survive. The result being the bigger they become the more chance they have to survive. This is the key to life, reproduction, knowledge and survival.

Roman colony collapsed, Egyptian colony collapsed, Viking Colony collapsed, Huns colony collapsed the list goes on and on and on. Until now.

Once you understand the prime function of a cell, you will understand the prime function of a human, when you understand the prime function of a human you will understand the prime function of a colony. They are all the same. We just become one big cell.

Having this knowledge you can then possibly understand why humans have finally formed this ONE WORLD COLONY and the reason behind this.

Unfortunately for colonies to become bigger and bigger there are heavy prices to pay for people who do not want to join another colony.

Yes - Unfortunately there are harsh processes that need to take place for one colony to take over another colony, WAR, DEATH, Destruction, it’s a horrible thing but unfortunately it’s a process that needs to happen for one colony to take over another. Again this is nature taking its course.

For thousands of years colonies have been taking over other colonies, none of these were easy! it would be considered very rare that a colony would except willingly to be taken over by another colony, so war and death was inevitable.

It’s like me telling all Muslims to become Jewish, it isn’t going to happen without a fight, it probably would never happen at all unless I was the leader of the biggest colony on earth.

I believe once you understand the prime functions of nature, cells, humans and colonies you will then understand that a one world colony was inevitable to happen eventually.

Some people will totally disagree with my opinion on this and they will totally dislike & disagree with everything I am saying because of the traumatic processes which have had to take place to take over another colony. I understand your views & I understand where you are all coming from with your opinions, I understand some of these processes were really horrible. But ask yourself how can you peacefully take over another colony?

Look at the big picture here. Mankind has had thousands of years of knowledge with taking over colonies, humans have become more knowledgeable over the years, with years of learning by mistakes mankind has gained the best knowledge on the best and quickest way of going about this.

As I mentioned earlier the processes to take over another colony seems unfair, cruel, satanic or completely wrong to 80% of people. But the fact is they needed to do these things to take over the other colonies to become the one world colony. It was not going to happen any other way.

This brings me to telling people we should embrace the colony we live in today and leaders of our colony, people need to see the positive picture and the human nature reason behind forming the one world colony, understand this is what mankind has been trying to achieve for thousands of years since life began, see the one world colony as a milestone goal achieved, the key to life and survival of mankind to eternity.

one world colony - creates Human Beings becoming one big cell – collectively every cell/human being joining together, this in return creates the best possible chances for continuous human existence and survival, the one world colony serves the same purpose as a cell purpose - survival, growth, knowledge, reproduction, protection.

I want to re-enforce people should not be afraid of a one world colony happening, in years to come when the world colony has settled into what it is and the memories of wars and destruction are gone, earth will be a better place for all of us in it, once everyone finally embraces & excepts this, then every person in every country will benefit from this.

When you except this was inevitable to happen because it has been part of human nature since life began. Then people will change their thought process and realise nature took its course and humans naturally did this to survive to eternity, there will be lots negative happenings along the way to controlling human life, but if it’s embraced it will make things easier for everyone & bring positive changes to the world. We will always have good and bad that’s just another fact of human nature.

One world colony, the key to human life, the key to human survival & the key to human cells continuing on to eternity.

It’s not rocket science, the bigger the colony, the more you increase knowledge, reproduction, growth and chances SURVIVAL.

Remember – a cells aim is to “survive” “learn” “reproduce” YOU are a cell!

(Egyptians, Romans, Vikings are examples of colonies) conflict between colonies has continued through the ages of mankind but is soon to become a point in history we will no longer have after thousands of years. All these colonies conquered but never controlled earth, because they were not the only colonies on earth, they did not complete the task of becoming a one world colony, this resulting in the continuation cycle of wars and bloodshed.

Think about it. What would be the chance of one cell or one human surviving to eternity. NO Chance

Now put every cell or human on earth together into one colony, “one big cell” now ask yourself what’s the chances of human life or cells living to eternity. It would be the best chance possible for this to happen. This is the meaning of life! The human cell has finally accomplished & completed the task to becoming the one world colony on earth “one big cell united together” this results in the most powerful cell ( human colony ) earth can have.

What are your thoughts on my opinion?


If there ever was a unified gov't on Earth it sure wouldn't use BITCOIN, too damn slow! They would probably go with STEEM :P Much more scalable

Thanks for sharing. I am aware of that old dream. Still I can't see the accomplishment of the one world colony on earth. More likely we are going to destroy us completely very soon because we feel so different from each other.

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