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RE: Scorpions' bassist, Ralph Rieckermann, Admits to attending “Parties” where the World’s elites gather kill & sacrifice innocent people. “They actually Kill people there! They pay up to 100k to see people get murdered.”

in #illuminati6 years ago (edited)

I did Not change my mind. Why would I do that when I spend All of this time to show people truth?

YOU missed the link and others can verify it has been there all along. . . and I did NOT go back and add it later, it is in the twitter link and has Been there all along!

Now if you don't have a twitter as I don't because I have been suspended twice from telling truth and pointing out pedophile accounts. . .you can Still access twitter so the Link Works. I am Not responsible for You not seeing it!

Now, If you don't Like the twitter link, you could ask politely, rather than attempting to belittle me and suggest I am being dishonest or trying to cause you trouble. I have a feeling I know where you're from, but probably shouldn't assume.

As far as Alex Jones. . . he Did break down Bohemian Grove and infiltrated their scene First as far as I know.

You need to understand. . .not everyone has been awake for years or decades. Some of us including myself woke up fairly recently. That means there are Many of us who are Not familiar with what may be "old hat" to you!

The information is not for those who already Know it. It is for those learning, seeking, and trying to wake up!

What I do, if I Already know something is I see if there is another angle and when I'm done, I go read something else. Works every time and I don't pitch a fit to the author nor do I accuse them of doing something nefarious, especially when they are giving of their free time.

Perhaps you, yourself have another article you have written and others would prefer. I'm happy to read it, if you would like to link it.

As you see, much of this was taken from other articles where they too Knew Alex Jones had investigated this secret society. Yet, they understand others could benefit from it because people Wake Up at different time periods. The universe doesn't just revolve around one group of people, but I realize you are well Aware of this.

Let me know if the link right under the video that says this,

works for you. If it doesn't perhaps you need to use a different browser, clear your cookies Or reboot your device. I double checked it to verify, works Just fine, plus you can scroll down in the comments of that tweet to see what others are saying. My two different accounts are Still suspended after months and it worked for me so should work for you.

Let me know and I'll see what I can do to help if it doesn't work. Maybe work on your approach next time! Take care.


Since you insinuate I am lying, here goes...I am quoting from your own article, a true copy (I have also captured an image of it if you need to see it)

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MOVIE CLIP IS HORRIFYING. In 2006, a disturbing movie was produced starring Nicolas Cage titled, “THE WICKER MAN” (this is a brief clip of the film). I didn't play the entire clip, because Mr. Cage sinfully takes the holy Lord's name in vain. This is one of the creepiest films ever made! The frightening thing is that everything in the movie is a 100% accurate portrayal of witchcraft, Baphomet, yin-yang, the phallic symbol (obelisk), goddess worship, the occult and satanism. The female dominated occult group torture Nicolas Cage, breaking both of his legs with a sledge hammer. They then put a bee's helmet over his head and fill it full of several hundred stinging bees, which sting his eyes swollen and blind him. The torture continues and he is injected with adrenaline by the head witch to prevent him from fainting. He is dragged and locked inside a giant Wickerman, which is then set ablaze by his own biological daughter. Nicolas Cage is sacrificed to the goddess, burned alive while screaming and begging for mercy. The cold-hearted crowd laughs and cheers as an innocent man burns to death, and then the film ends. Creepy!

New Leads Implicate CIA, Government Officials In Child Prostitution RingI've done much personal research into the occult, witchcraft and satanism. As a Christian, that makes the subject much more interesting. It also makes it much easier for me to understand such things, because I have a good understanding of the Word of God in the King James Bible. No one can truly understand the New World Order apart from a basic understanding of the Holy Scriptures. The first place to start is with 2nd Corinthians 4:4, which identifies our enemy as, “Satan, the god of this world.” Satan is behind all the major wars in this world. Satan is responsible for the evils of Hollywood. Satan is the owner of Sin City Las Vegas. Satan is the owner of every dirty liquor establishment. Satan is a lying, thieving, murdering, hater! The Devil is a nefarious (extremely wicked) spirit, who never sleeps.

To see more go here

To see more go here.... where? This is what I was questioning, not the twitter link, which I had watched.

I think that if it is necessary for anyone to apologise for being aggressive, it is you - not me

I decided it may be better I attach the image now! or else you may say I altered it...or something.

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