A group raising 1 Million as A Bribe for Collins opponent if she would not vote No to Kavanaugh as this Soros group Demanded!

in #illuminati6 years ago (edited)

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This Really is outrageous, but then. . .Progressives have demonstrated Over and Over by their actions that is precisely what they are. . .Outrageous.

Clearly they do so like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum hoping to get their way!

Even the Washington Post appears to understand this form of bribery.

a group of liberal activists in Maine created an unusual crowdfunding campaign that encapsulated both of these emotions: they raised money in the form of pledges that they said they would give to whoever decided to challenge Collins in 2020 if she voted for Kavanaugh’s confirmation. If she votes no, the money will never be withdrawn from donors.

“Senator Collins votes NO on Kavanaugh and you will not be charged, and no money will go to fund her future opponent,” the platform notes. “Senator Collins votes YES on Kavanaugh and your pledge will go to her opponent's campaign, once that opponent has been identified.”

The unusual fundraising effort by Maine People's Alliance, Mainers for Accountable Leadership and activist Ady Barkan on the platform Crowdpac had raised more than $1 million from 37,000 pledges as of Tuesday— a not insignificant amount for a political race in the small state. But amidst the attention it was receiving were signs that its efforts could be backfiring.

At least one ethics expert consulted by The Washington Post said that it may very well violate federal bribery statutes, which prohibit giving or offering anything of value to government officials in exchange for any acts or votes. And Collins issued a sharply worded response through a spokeswoman that called it an attempt at extortion.

Adav Noti, a senior director at the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, which works on rules of ethics and finance in government, told The Post that he thought the listing was illegal, noting that bribery is a federal crime.

“I think they’re playing a game to avoid the literal application of the bribery statute,” he said. “They have structured the campaign in a way that the action they will do if she does what she wants is that they will refund the money but that seems to be a fictional distinction. It still seems like they’re saying if you don’t do what we want we will spend $1 million and that strikes me as just as much as an inducement as saying we'll give you $1 million if you do what we want.”

Let's take a closer look at this

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If you look at their page. . .Action Network you will see this,

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Let's just pull out Daily KOS
According to WND,

Let’s start with Accountability Now, a group founded to enlist more “progressives” as candidates in the Democratic Party. In this press release published by the political action committee, it explains who is a part of this coalition: The SEIU (synonymous with ACORN), Daily Kos, United Steelworkers of America (Commie union), ColorOfChange, Working for Us PAC, Blog PAC and MoveOn.org. I have no doubts that more than one of these groups is funded by Soros, but at least one is for certain – MoveOn.org.

Kos even posted this on his own website – so I’m sure it’s 100 percent accurate.

Soros gave at least $2.5 million to MoveOn.org. The DailyKos admittedly partnered with this group. Is that not a connection?

Maybe Moulitsas will charge “guilt by association” – a favorite phrase of disgusting leftists and also one of their favorite pastimes.

But the association doesn’t stop there – nor does the guilt.

ColorOfChange, another one of the members of the Accountability Now coalition, was also underwritten by Soros. And Soros boasts of this this connection.

It also turns out – surprise, surprise – Soros created yet another partner in the coalition: the Working for Us PAC.

I don’t doubt Soros backed even more members of the Accountability Now project, but I think I have more than met the Moulitsas challenge. I don’t even need a Glenn Beck chalkboard to draw these connections. They are self-evident.

But one thing you can be pretty sure about. If there is disgusting left-wing organizing taking place, there is almost assuredly no more than one degree of separation between that activity and George Soros.

Here’s a curious Tweet from Moulitsas: “I’d be a millionaire if that Soros check would finally arrive.” Sounds like someone who wouldn’t be ashamed to be directly funded by the mad Hungarian who broke the Bank of England – someone possibly even expectant of that funding.

It wasn’t that long ago – just over a year – that someone at the Daily Kos itself proposed a “merger,” if that is not too offensive a term for the progressives, of Markos Moulitsas, Arianna Huffington and George Soros to “develop an alternative media” combining “media savy (sic), and essential capital to bring such a project to fruition.”

But I never said the Daily Kos and George Soros were connected at the hip or separated at birth. I said they were connected. And connected they are.

Just who is George Soros if one is not already familiar with what he does, thinks of himself, and What Is His Agenda?

George Soros, who fancies himself a god and intends to remake the world, is the Lord of Chaos and pursues a world order that is demonic, not divine.

“I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance — to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god.” So confessed George Soros (shown) in his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance.

George Soros’ use of past-tense verbs in the admission above might lead some readers to assume his psychological deity complex was a passing narcissism that the maturing billionaire has conquered in the three decades since it was written. That would be a false assumption; if anything, the 86-year-old currency speculator has grown more megalomaniacal with each passing year.

“It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” Soros told the British newspaper The Independent in 1993.

Yes, the hedge-fund mogul has been “living out” his delusional fantasies, sometimes elevating himself from merely “a god,” to actually being “God.” Naturally, claiming such supernatural attributes entails more than a bit of madness, something Soros has also publicly discussed on more than one occasion.

“Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad,” Soros once explained in a British television interview. “In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

He has given away more than $32 billion of his personal fortune to fund the Open Society Foundations’ work around the world.

A new $80 million anti-Trump network is being led by an organization whose top funder is liberal billionaire George Soros and which employs former members of the controversial and now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

The Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund, the 501(c)(4) sister organization of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), a New York-based nonprofit that receives the bulk of its funding from George Soros, announced at their spring gala Tuesday that they will be heading up the new $80 million anti-Trump network that will span 32 states and have 48 local partners, CNN reported.

So in other words, more chaos!

According to Newsmax,

Soros-Funded Group Cited 46 Times in FCC Rules

New Internet regulations released Thursday by the Federal Communications Commission include 46 references to the Free Press, a group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, the Daily Caller reported.

The FCC release of the regulations, more than 300 pages in length, came two weeks after the commission approved them on a party-line 3-2 vote with Democrats voting in favor and Republicans in opposition.

Critics countered that regulations — enacted after an intense lobbying campaign by the Obama administration directed at FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler — will effectively turn the Internet into a public utility and that intrusive government control will stifle innovation.

A boy, control and stifle they Did! Now just take a look of All of those who are banned from any speech that goes against the globalist rhetoric and blatant agenda.

Freedom of Speech is Only allowed If you Agree with them. . .the controllers!

This demonstrates a Clear and blatant socialist agenda which Furthers the Globalist and Elitist causes while putting more money in their pockets and giving them More Control!

In total, the FCC cited pro-net neutrality arguments by Free Press 46 times in its decision. The group received $2.2 million in donations from Soros' Open Society Foundations and $3.9 million from the Ford Foundation, according to the Daily Caller.

A co-founder of Free Press — and currently on its board of directors — is Robert McChesney, a professor of communications at the University of Illinois. McChesney, according to the Daily Caller, supports a "radical" agenda aimed at completely changing the way the media operate in the United States.

"In the end, there is no real answer but to remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles," McChesney wrote in a 2009 essay.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai — who blew the whistle on the efforts of the Obama administration and FCC Chairman Wheeler to ram through the regulations without giving the public a chance to see them — noted the role played by progressive lobbying groups in mobilizing support for heavier Internet regulation.

"What the press has called the 'parallel FCC' at the White House opened its doors to a plethora of special-interest activists: Daily Kos, Demand Progress, Fight for the Future, Free Press, and Public Knowledge, just to name a few," he wrote in his dissent against the new rules.

Pai noted that some pro-net neutrality activists had blocked Wheeler's driveway and met with Obama White House officials to press their case.

"But what about the rest of the American people? They certainly couldn’t get White House meetings," Pai said. "They were shut out of the process. They were being played for fools."

Now we see what has happened. A Chinese style set of regulations only allowing the voice of socialists, which is just another word for globalists. . .those advocating a One World Government.

Now Truth groups on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and many others have been on a rampage to suspend and silence all those who use critical thinking skills and challenge their luciferian goals.

See some of the revolutions Soros has backed in which these people are Not better off.


As reported by various sources like Project Republic Today

An intern at an undocumented immigrant-focused group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, and which is an approved group of the left’s biggest dark money donor network cofounded by Soros, was behind the ambush confrontation of Sen. Mitch McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, as they were leaving an event at Georgetown University on Tuesday evening.

This also reported by various sources,
George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action.

There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.

Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with MoveOn.org.

Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.

In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.

The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.

As you can see, Soros is connected to a great deal of upheaval and unrest. His community organizations and access to what appear to be unlimited resources generally gained from the fall of others and toppling economies in so many countries he has literally be banned from some.

Also connected to this,

Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis: ‘National Borders Are The Obstacle’

Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis.

“This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said.

Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.”

“His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

Last month, Mr Orban accused pro-immigration non-governmental organisations (NGOs) of “drawing a living from the immigration crisis,” singling out those funded by Mr Soros.

George Soros is a firm backer of transnational bodies such as the European Union, and his Open Society Foundation (OSF) provides assistance for pro-migration activists. He is well-known for his support for “progressive” causes such as the Centre for American Progress, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Mr Orban said in an interview last month that immigration and multiculturalism are endangering Europe’s “Christian roots” and creating “parallel societies”.

Europeans, he said, should “stick to our Christian values” and “Europe can be saved,” but only if they “take seriously the traditions, the Christian roots and all the values that are the basis of the civilisation of Europe.”

If you start connecting historical events concerning the Treaty of Versailles and the Russian Czar that called out what Rothschild was trying to do to topple nations and economies. . .so then Rothschild vowed revenge upon Russia. . . and he got it by killing the last Czar and his entire family in a wicked revolution, many similarities seen in Soros. . .this self proclaimed god.

Then you look at the connections of interfering with what is allowed on the internet, the taking away of free speech and the immigration crisis in which many European countries are no longer recognizable and crime invades their once beautiful landscape. . .you can connect that right back to Soros backed Sanctuary Cities and how they are destroyed. People can no longer walk the streets in safety, places they once loved have deteriorated and been destroyed by the knocking down of protective barriers by a false sense of "helping others," as now No one is helped and areas are destroyed.

This is the MO of the globalists. Chaos, destruction, no boundaries, then they can step in and "save us" Save everyone while pocketing more profits off of their re-zoning and rebuilding. . .all of course with their Own Mandatory Regulations.

At the end of the Day it's All About Control.

  • Control the information

  • Control the speech

  • Control the News outlets and pump out a globalist propaganda just as Goebbels did for Hitler

  • Control the people

  • Control the government

  • Control the money as in International Central Banking and the Federal Reserve

  • Control the economy by weakening it as Obama did

  • Control disease, pharmaceuticals. . .as in lab create, manufacture both disease and what they tell the people they are curing through their vaccines.

  • Control the food and growing of food as in Monsanto, conflict of interest of a poison company merging with Bayer
    investors like Bill Gates, whose father was a Eugenics investor and pusher.

  • Control the population by encouraging women to think of it as "their rights, " motivate them by phrases like "equality," and "my body," while taking away the God given drive to protect their own innocent children.

  • Control by making profits off of an industry that not only murders a population's most innocent, but profits by keeping the old luciferian young with organs and tissue.

Let me know your thoughts on Soros and his Blatant agenda.










A list of just Some of the Soros funded organizations,





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