Social Media Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners 2019

in #ilink5 years ago

Social media has changed business trends in recent years because People who want to buy from a brand first check their social media profile. It is true that it is challenging to rise out of millions of pages, but it well worth it. In this article, I have explained some of these social media marketing tips about posting photos and videos, days and time, audiences, posts performance, and so on.

Social media marketing tips

If you have just started your business and you are considering social media, as a platform to grow your business read these ten tips.

1- Start with a vision

Social media is one of the strategies of business to achieve their vision. So, you know why are you using social media. After giving some explanation about business vision, I would write about the marketing plan and social media strategies.

First, I would tell you the difference between vision and mission very briefly, so you might better write your business vision and mission. The vision shows where would you go, and the mission shows what would you do to get there. For example, if your vision is to make people healthier, your mission can be to teach them how to exercise by themselves. Having vision and mission would help you to stick to one thing and don’t feel lost.

If you see the picture below, the flag is like your vision: the place you would reach, and the ladders are the mission.

Having a vision will always help you to know what way are you going, and you don’t get lost in the middle of the way. If you have a vision for your business, you can set long term goals and short term goals, and for each purpose, you can take actions or set any habits.

You should connect your social media to your business vision. I would explain this part in the next section. The social media insight will help you to have a particular aim and action to grow your business. A vision is especially useful if you have recently started your business, or consider your business as small. There are lots of examples, how having a vision could help people grow their brand or business using social media. For example, a friend of mine’s company there was about theater and making films. His business vision was about making people laugh, and he started to use social media as a strategy to achieve his goal. He started posting funny videos, about hot topics. Within three months he could grow his pages from zero to about 20 k.

It is true that you would make money from the business, but a vision could not necessarily tell people you want to make money. It says people that you want them to be happier, closer together, more productive, etc. so, create a vision and keep it up.

If your business has an image, you can choose that one for your social media profiles too. Write your vision in your bio because it is the first thing people would read about you while they visit your profile. If you see many people write nothing on their bio and they have millions of followers, you should know that they might start a long time ago, or their story might be different. Some people work on branding, and you should not compare yourself with others. Try to select a vision which is not too specific. I brought some of the examples above. In the next section, I will tell you how to use social media to achieve your business goal.

2- Using the right platform

Top social media that are useful for businesses these days are Facebook Instagram Twitter. If you spend time on these social media as a business strategy, you will get the results. Studies show that people who want to buy a product from a brand, they first check their social media page. So, even if you don’t have a website, having a social media page is a must for you. People have the opportunity to see your latest updates, contact you, or see people reviews about it.

3- Social media Marketing planA marketing plan is a written document that shows how you can achieve your goal. It consists of three main parts. Your business vision, goals, strategies, and actions.

How to write a marketing plan? After writing your vision, and mission, you should write which strategies you can use to achieve that. Social media itself is a strategy to meet one of your business goals. Here is an example:

Your business is about selling sport’s nutrition products, or anything related to sports, such as swimsuits, or sportswear. Now, your business vision could be making people healthier or making the sport more enjoyable for people. Your mission, as I explained, is what you would do to make people healthier? Of course, you are going to provide them some healthy nutrition for after and before workout time. OK, but what is your strategy to offer them this product? Your approach is using social media like Facebook, twitter and Instagram because sportswear most probably uses by young people, and most Instagram users are between 18-34, so an excellent platform for you. Now it is time to write an action plan for your social media like Instagram.

You can write your social media vision, goal, and actions separately. For example, your imagination is selling 10,000 swimsuits or having one million followers. It means so many people know your brand or products.

Your action is like this: open an account, write a bio, quality content, 10 k followers in the first two months, likes, comments, to promote the account, 20k followers in fourth months, and so on. You can prepare this in a table, and for each part, write its detail. For example, quality content can be making some motivational sports videos. You can check this complete guide to makeInstagram videos

4- Your audiences are important

I have already stated that most of the social media users are young people, so if your business is about young people that is good. However, you can check the audience in the insight section of your profile, in the audience section, you can check their age, gender, country. Social media allows you to know who are interested in your content, and compare to whom you are selling your products. For example, if you are selling your sportswear to women, and your audiences are mostly men, you can take some actions to attract more women to your profile. This action will increase the chance of selling your products. Even the language you can use for your content if your audience is mostly local, so better to use a language that they understand more.

5- Schedule your posts

In the previous section, I explained that taking actions includes posting regularly, keep the right number of posts, and schedule your posting on social media. In this case, you can prepare a table and schedule your posts, or you can use tools to do so. A strength of this software is that you can see analytics too. You can search to find the one you are most comfortable.

6- The best content

You sometimes are wondering what types of content you should share. In another article, I have mentioned with reasons that you better share videos more. People are enjoying watching video more than pictures. Thought, for the types of content it depends on your business goal, I suggest you do trial and error method. You can share a photo and video and see how people react to that one. Within a few weeks, you become familiar with the types of content people likes more. If you have switched your account into a business account, you can see it through the insight section in your settings.

7- Do the surveys

Successful brands or business are always doing good research. You can conduct analysis using your insight section on your Instagram account, or another survey by asking people questions. Hopefully, there are some good features likequestion stickers on Instagram, that you can use to see what people like most. You should always pay attention to what people need, or what they are comfortable with or they enjoy. Research would help you to gain reputations.

8- Make documentaries

As I have mentioned above, analytics, show that people like videos more than pictures. You can take advantages of this, and make some documentaries, especially for your business. For example, a movie about how you make your products, or how people buy from you, or some amazing or useful information about your products. Even a movie about the uniqueness of your products. Making documentaries will help people to understand the reason why they should buy that product from you only.

9- Your posts’ performance

A result sheet Make a time to review your plan or update it. You have to do it at least once a month because of the ever-changing trends of social media. Another point is to make a separate sheet to analyses and see the results of your actions. For example, you can write the date, the name of the posts, its keywords, time and day of posting, number of views, likes, comments, number of direct message you receive on that day, the question people ask you more, the words or reactions that they used on specific posts more, and all other things you can see. You can draw a diagram showing the stage of your goal achievements.

10- Monitor the results

Monitoring the results would help you to grow your business, and once you see the results, it gives you the motivation to continue. However, you make attention if you see no results, you have to be patients, or change the methods you use. I mentioned before that trial and error is a good way to find what best suits you and your business. You should know which day and time are best for you. You should be aware of your wording, or social media marketing tips.


Don’t expect overnight success. It takes time and effort to achieve your goal. If you don’t see the favorite results on using some of social media marketing tips, don’t be afraid of changing content or wording. I believe you are the best person that knows your business and you should trust your analysis and Keep it up, It well worth it. 

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