How to Avoid Annoying your Audience by your Content?

in #ilink5 years ago

As everyone knows, digital marketing is like a root for every business. Things have changed, people are more into social media, and so they spend more hours of their life in it rather than real life.

So, every marketer finds social media and its tools the best place to promote their business. But the important things are people. People are the ones who can make you the most Successful businessman or vice versa … you should make them your loyal, active audience which can turn to your customers.

Some tips to avoid annoying your audience by your content

  • Choose simple content to avoid annoying your audience

 The majority of people Think professional and difficult words are showing the high range of their knowledge, but unfortunately you are all wrong. Researches show that the simpler a text is, the better people can understand it, so avoid wordy and complicated content.

Be clear and honest. Do not push yourself to use and write tricky words to seem more knowledgeable. People love to read fast and get a lot of Information in a short time.

“We don’t have time to read a 5,000-word article – or a long video or big volume of images on social media.”Connie Chi, CEO, The Chi Group
“Unnecessarily twisting an article by adding useless and irrelevant words to make the post-2,000-plus words to satisfy Google. It comes at the cost of bad audience experience.” Yogesh Jain, founder, Concept Allies
  • Do not use Repetitive content

We all spend hours searching and finding a solution to solve our problems. Imagine all the data and materials are repetitive. All the websites are the same as each other. Put yourself in your consumers’ shoes for a while. What would be your reaction? The most annoying thing in our life is repetition, especially when you tend to find new things. It makes people exhausted.

In this industrial world that all the brands try to get the best result, being unique and fresh is the key to unlock the success path lock. Try to create new content rather than copying the existing ones. The more unique a content is, the more loyal customers you will have. People Will visit your site for two reasons:

1:  They want to learn something that they don’t know before

2: They are looking for a product and want to buy something.

So, focus. Boring content is worse than no content at all.

“Blog posts that just sum up what you can find through Google searches. Regurgitation of basic Information that’s reformatted on a company blog with a lot of injected ads, unnecessary links, and keyword stuffing in hopes of achieving a high SERP rank. If all your blog post does is tell me the same Information I can find through a simple Google search, then it’s (weak).” Dew-Smith, managing editor, Vendasta
  • Use update and fresh topics

As I mentioned in the first two paragraphs, the importance of simplicity and unique content. The next step is being updated.

A couple of days ago, I was searching for one topic that was too old. There were lots of websites that have newly released articles about that topics. Although they obey all the rules and the content were unique and straightforward, but that was out of date, and of course, it won’t get the number of users they want. Nowadays, people are up-to-date and love to learn new Information and news.

  • Choose the best page design

After managing the excellent content, your page design is the next thing you should focus on. People are always nagging about the infographic images in blogs and websites. Pay attention to choose the design that best suits your content.

The design of one page or blog is the first thing that attracts the majority of your audience, whether they are educated or not. Make your infographics eye-catching and easy to understand. A good infographic post is the one that supports your content and helps you send your message easier.

  • Stop Begging your audience to increase your engagement

Marketers want to promote their job and get to their high level, so they decide to choose some methods that help them, but unfortunately, they mostly destroy everything.

“Follow us,” “tweet this,” “like us,” these are the expressions that cause a negative impression on your audience. These are some examples that shows you are begging them to increase your engagement, and it sucks.


  • Irrelevant content annoys your audience the most

All the people who are on your page or website seek a goal and want to get something. So, when they find your content irrelevant to their need, they prefer to leave than stay. Keep searching about your target audience’s need and stay on that field. Do not forget that there are lots of exciting and funny stuff on social media to entertain them. Until you can provide their need, they will stay at your site.


As a conclusion, try to consider the above issues and find the best solution to solve them. Because nobody knows their content sucks. Review your text. Avoid using synonyms and antonyms when it is not really necessary. Before you publish your content, ask an expert to check your content, or you can review your text after one or two days. It would help you to see another aspect of your mind. 

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