The IKONIK project

in #ikonic2 years ago (edited)


iKONIC will allow fans to own and share the best moments in eSports history, while providing multi-million dollar e-sports events and fast-growing companies as new ways to connect with their audiences. The craziest and most spectacular gameplay videos can be easily printed to NFT with just a few clicks. And with one or two more clicks, they will be registered and ready to trade on the iKONIC marketplace.

Creators can design these NFTs to pay for lifetime royalties, or even create a whole new revenue stream by selling sublicens rights. And all this is just the beginning! iKONIC will not just be another NFT marketplace. It will be a community — a movement. The iKONIC community’s passion for gaming is a huge motivator and we help them use it to do amazing things.

Together, we will:
To create the basis for a completely new business model — as

will encourage and support new, exciting, innovative titles: games as a service.

Create a new launch pad that will take the next generation of indie blockchain games to the supermarket and create wealth for everyday players.

Create an open marketplace for all project assets in the game, complementing the ecosystem that will sustain their creations and help them grow.

We all know that this is a time of many changes in the game. iKONIC and its community will be at the forefront! It’s time for us to have some time.


IKONIC Future:
iKONIC’s vision captures two key trends of our time

E-sports boom

Earthquake of blockchain games

Each of these represents a major economic opportunity. But both are part of a larger game metaverse. This gives us a great opportunity.

We can build a single company of both these trends at the same time and exploit the rich synergistic potential that exists between them. Before we share the details of IKONIC’s vision, let’s quickly summarize the current state of these two trends.

Blockchain gaming options

The game is the beginning of another paradigm shift.

A huge virtual game economy with an annual GDP of millions of dollars has been with us for some time. Notable examples include EVE Online, World of Warcraft, and Second Life. But until recently, the economic value of playtime in these games and the activities taking place in their internal markets remained largely locked in their unique universe.

The blockchain game breaks this barrier. Users can freely own in-game currency and game assets represented as blockchain tokens. And users are free to move tokens and exchange them with each other whenever they want. This incredible development means that this precious asset can now also be converted into financial value outside of the original game.

Then when you add in the fact that blockchain companies have lower total costs and don’t pay dividends to shareholders, it means the game is still more valuable. As a result, more value can be given to more players daily and even focus on some spectacular prizes. Players can now play for money. The new opportunities created by the blockchain-based marketplace also represent an entirely new revenue model to support innovative new game and game developers. Imaginative creators can also reap the benefits of this blockchain-facilitated exchange that no longer requires an army of middlemen. This trend is just getting started, so we don’t have many examples to show. However, the precedent from Axie Infinity still stands out.

In 2021, we see stories of low-income people in the Philippines using these video games to generate income and feed their families following the economic downturn of covid-19. One lucky individual even managed to buy two houses with his winnings. We haven’t even begun to understand the economic potential that awaits. But iKONIC will be there to create more amazing stories like this and help their communities thrive from this extraordinary economic shift.

IKONIC Ecosystem:


IKONIC NFT MARKET: iKONIC comes to the market developed and built in its own way. The original design will focus on

NFT game clip. This makes it easy for users to unlock real money values ​​from their own recorded gaming experiences.

After iKONIC entered an advanced stage of development, the existing market and its community infrastructure became the basis for a broader market for gaming-related digital assets. This expanded market in turn supports iKONIC games as a service. launch the ramp concept as we explain below.

SHOW YOUR NFTS: Have you ever been to serious collectors? Their trophy walls are really impressive! IKONIC will eventually bring this experience to the digital NFT range.

Owning NFTs on IKONIC — both video and game content — feels like something tangible, interactive, and social, making them far more engaging and valuable than other NFT alternatives .

PREMIERE SPORTS PARTNER COOPERATION: IKONIC will provide a great opportunity for the best eSports teams and events to connect with fans and increase their popularity. These partners will benefit from iKONIC’s large, comprehensive and committed user base, strong marketplace, and social experience built to celebrate great moments in video games.

They will also be able to use the sub-licensing feature in iKONIC’s NFT templates to find new and exciting ways to generate revenue and fan engagement.

GAMES AS A SERVICE: The world will see more amazing game creations when game developers can trust that they have a huge player base to share. iKONIC will be realized with a new business model: games as a service. Ideas inspired by Netflix. This will give the iKONIC community access to a large library of exciting titles, all for a monthly subscription fee.

In the legacy sports business, there is a large secondary market
Built by reliving amazing sporting moments from the past. This includes a large market for sports souvenirs and collectibles, with annual sales of $ 140 billion per year. This traditional sector is undergoing its own blockchain modernization. The NBA Top Shot reported $ 230 million in sales within a few months. They helped value this single company at over $ 2 billion.

But so far there have been no parallels for the e-sports industry — not yet.

Maybe all this is still very new, and things are moving and changing so fast. Maybe we lost our legitimate infrastructure. Major sports brands use sublicensing to circumvent and monetize their IP without losing or undermining their claims on the underlying content. We did not have a blockchain copy of this type of structure — until recently. The technology is available now. And IKONIC is at the top of the line to make the best of it!

Nothing can stop us from the success of the NBA Top Shot in the e-sports market. We will help celebrity competitions use the power of blockchain technology to increase revenue and reach new audiences.

The Ikonic token


The IKONIC token is used to reward participants and unlock features on the platform.

Token name: IKONIC

Total supply: 2,500,000,000

Hard cap: $6,000,000

Seed sale: $2,000,000

Strategic sale: $2,000,000

Public sale: $2,000,000

Initial market cap: $3,200,000

Initial circulating supply: 157,916,667

Total diluted market cap: $50,000,000

Token emissions schedule
Seeds: 3% unlocked upon listing, 97% daily chests for 18 months from 181 after listing (about 5% per month)

Strategy: 5% unlocked on listing, 95% daily vest for 12 months starting 91st after listing (about 8% per month)

Public: 20% unlocked upon listing, 80% west daily for 3 months from the first day after listing (about 27% per month)

Advisor: Daily Vest for more than 30 months, from 181 after listing (about 3% per month)

Teams and companies: West daily for 36 months, from 361 after listing (about 3% per month)

Ecosystem and references: daily in the West for more than 35 months, starting on the 31st after listing (about 3% per month)

Growth: Daily Vest for 48 months, from 361

after listing (about 2% per month)

Marketing and Operations: Western daily for over 45 months, starting on the 91st day after listing (about 2% per month)

Liquidity and listing: 20% unlock upon listing, 80% vest daily for 16 months from the first day after listing

Official contact information
Website: Ikonic Esports — Own the Moment. Highlight clips and grow your fanbase


Twitter: IKONIC (@official_ikonic) | Twitter

Telegram: IKONIC

Discord: Join the Ikonic HQ Discord Server!

Medium: Ikonic — Medium

Youtube: Ikonic


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