2nd phase Biswa Ijtema ends today
The second period of Biswa Ijtema closes today with the Akheri Munajat (finishing up petition) on the bank of the Turag River at Tongi, close Dhaka. The Akheri Munajat is planned to be held at 11am, said the Ijtema coordinators. The second period of the three-day Ijtema, the second biggest gathering of Muslims after the hajj, started after Fajr petitions before on Friday. In the interim, Mohor Ali, 60, an aficionado hailing from Jamalpur, and Shahidullah, 65, hailing from Keraniganj, kicked the bucket at the Ijtema ground at a young hour early in the day. With this, an aggregate of six enthusiasts passed on in the two periods of Ijtema. A large number of enthusiasts, both from home and abroad, accumulated at the assemblage scene, and are partaking in supplications and dialogs. Police super of Gazipur Mohammad Harun ur Rashid in a press preparation at the beginning of today uncovered an exceptional guide to take after in front of the Akheri Munajat on Sunday. He said the transportation from Chandona crossing point to Tongi of Dhaka-Mymensing Highway and Majukhan Bridge to Station Road footbridge of Kaliganj-Tongi Highway and the street from Kamarpara Bridge to Munno Textile Mills Gate will be confined for Akheri Munajat. Eleven transport transports will work from Bhora Bypass crossing point to Tongi Ijtema spot, alongside 19 other exceptional intercity trains. All the intercity trains will stop at Tongi station for two minutes, he said. The confinement will become effective from 12 am on Sunday. The vehicles will be allowed to gone through Bhogra Bypass to Konabari to Chandra as elective course. Somewhere in the range of 3,917 remote enthusiasts from 78 nations joined the second period of Ijtema. Tabligh Jamaat has been sorting out the Ijtema at the scene since 1967. In any case, the Ijtema is being held in two stages since 2011 because of settlement and transportation issue.