Investigation - Children in the care of Nottinghamshire Councils - Public hearing - Day 13

in #iicsa6 years ago (edited)

I want Mr. Sadd to marry my mother and have very intelligent children together. I mean that wholeheartedly and if you were lucky enough to have seen his performance from yesterday afternoon you would also be saying the same.

It appears that someone woke Mr. Sadd up early and never gave him his morning coffee. Whoever was responsible for this, I would ask you to do the same thing every day until the end of the IICSA. "The Amazing" Mr. Sadd was transformed into "The Amazingly Angry" Mr. Sadd and for the two witnesses he was tasked with questioning, this meant it was going to be a very bad day for them both... I've never seen this side of Mr. Sadd and I have to say I liked it. From the very beginning, it was obvious that the witnesses were annoying him and it appeared that Mr. Sadd had decided he would no longer be suffering fools.

Fool #1. Steve Edwards - Various managerial roles in Children's services, County council

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When this guy woke up yesterday morning, he had no idea of what he was about to experience. It was a pleasure to me, as I am sure it would have been to most of the victims, to listen to this man choke on his own words. Cracks began to show very quickly, as Mr Edwards revealed his innept approach to the responsibilities he has taken on. Time and time again Mr. Edwards tried to blow his own trumpet and highlight the tiniest of details that would put him and his contemporaries in a good light. Fortunately, Mr. Sadd was on full alert and always ready to squish these brazen attempts to mask the truth. One the best example of this trumpet squishing was at 5:04:56, when Mr. Edwards tried to claim a victory over his use of IFA's(Internal fostering agencies), then going on to boast how 85% of the children in care in care are placed within 25 miles of their hometown. This admission did not impress Mr. Sadd one little bit, stating that the inquiry had already been informed that it was a requirement that all the children be placed within this boundary. After questioning his witness about why there were children placed outside the 25-mile boundary, Mr Edwards, at first, gave the excuse that any children placed further away were there for very specific reasons... After a few more simple questions it was revealed that these "very specific reasons" were boiled down to nothing more than a lack of placements, and nothing at all to do with Mr. Edwards first excuse. After peeling away this disguise, Mr. Sadd returned to the previous point that had been made about the use of IFA's and, more importantly, the use of OFA's(Out-sourced foster agencies). Mr Edwards, again, began to boast of all the checks made on these IFA's but then blundered onto a more telling point that whilst checks were carried out on IFA(Checks that are carried out by our next witness...) virtually no oversight was given to those children who were placed in OFA's. This appeared to be an admission, that even after all the abuses gone by and many of which had been perpetrated by OFA staff, nothing had changed and this made Mr. Sadd very angry.
The rest of the evidence given by Mr. Edwards was just as shocking and after "The Amazing" Mr. Sadd had finished questioning his witness he then handed him over to the inquiry panel who finished him off with relish. It appears that everyone that day was out for blood and completely "on-the-ball", as we say here in England. If you would like to go to 5:59:20 of yesterday's hearing, you will be able to listen to a question given to Mr. Edwards, by the inquiry panel, that crystalizes just how inept Mr Edwards really is.

Now we will move onto our next witness and another of Mr Edwards counterparts, only this man is in a place of even larger influence.

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Fool #2. Philip Owen - Chair of Children and young people's committee, County council

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After hearing Mr. Sadd tare a strip from Steven Edwards I wondered whether this next witness was in for more of the same. This would all depend on how Mr. Owen was going to conduct himself during the hearing and whether or not he had done the job he had been paid so handsomely to perform. As it turned out Mr. Owen entered the room with a very pompous demeanor and it soon became apparent that he had carried out his career with a similar attitude.

From the instant he began to give evidence to the inquiry, Mr. Owen spoke with a tone that displayed a sense of assumed authority. Fortunately, for those present at the inquiry and for those watching at home, "The Amazing" Mr. Sadd was having none of it. After learning that Mr. Owen had chaired a committee for many years that was responsible for giving a voice to young children in care, Mr. Sadd was visibly shocked to hear how Mr. Owen had only ever invited one child from a care home to join in his committee meetings. Then Mr. Sadd was even more shocked to learn that Mr. Owen didn't even bother to visit the care homes he was supposed to be evaluating, nor did he even bother to read any of the ofsted reports that came his way. But if this wasn't enough to knock the socks off a centipede, we then heard Mr. Owen; Chairman of the committee, inform the panel that even when one of his henchmen did go to visit the children, in any one of the many care homes, they did so when the children were all at school. This then left no choice but to have, only, the opinions of the staff being considered and the subsequent report taken back for Mr. Owen to overlook.

I could honestly go on forever, about how this man has neglected, not only, his Job, but also the hundreds of children in the care of Nottinghamshire county council. To say that the committee he chairs has been put together as a response to prevent the abuses committed by social workers and care workers, such as Andis Logins, Mr. Owen has proved himself to be as dangerous as the abusive staff he continues to, unknowingly, employ.

There have been a handful of people from the council and the police who have had a greater impact on these children lives, in a negative way, and Mr. Owen is right up there with the worst of them. Please, please, please, find the time to view this shocking part of yesterday's inquiry and see for yourself, just how neglectfully ignorant this man is. His part of the inquiry begins at 6:23:33 and last for about an hour.
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Day-13 IICSA. Itinerary and live stream

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