
Yes that seems so and they mostly treat with medications.

Hello @porters thanks for your reply, its interesting to "talk" to you!
Medications can be very good if they are used in the right way. But yeah I think modern society has lost something, the traditional healer or tribal-shaman that would do ceremony with families and heal them has been replaced by doctors and psychologists, this is good in certain ways, modern medicine has saved many lives!

But i believe that the important metaphysical part of the "healing spectrum" often is missing or at least to a degree...


I agree with you on that one. I don't care to have to much to do with the regular medical system (although it does have it's place) for there is to much push and influence from Big Pharma which seems to leave a coldness and missing out with real connections with people and yes, the metaphysical part.

I have met "normal" doctors and such who seem to have also been "undercover" shaman/healers you can feel how they actually heal also heal metaphysically.


You are fortunate to have connected with these.

Have you never felt sick in like 10 different ways?
And then you get to the doctors office and you can't even remember 1 of all your complaints, and you feel, "prettty good" and then you just want to leave real quick? =)

No can't say I have. I rarely go to the doctors and if I do it's usually an emergency.

Okay, maybe thats just me, jokes aside, some doctors are a little bit like "undercover natural healers" or so I've noticed... I used to be the kind of person who avoids doctors and such to the bitter end. But now I try to take my health more seriously and I rather go one time to many.


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