On IGTV : The World Is Going Vertical

in #igtv6 years ago

One of the reasons that I love Mark Zuckerberg so much is due to his ability to see beyond the next curve.

In the Art of Innovation the people that have been able to reap greatly are the ones who are able to fully hack the attention of people and keep it for ling periods of Time

The activities at Facebook sometimes make you wonder what the development teams at other social Media Applications are doing


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Mark Zuckerberg is someone who understands the saying :

If you don't Cannibalize yourself , Someone else will

If you become romantic with Innovation you will get left behind. So it is always better for you to disrupt yourself before someone else does it.

When Introducing the I-Phone Steve Jobs knew that it will affect the sales of the I-Pod , but he also knew that it will only be a short term effect. Going Long term , Apple benefitted greatly from the I-Phone and it has become a core product for them


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Zucks is someone who understands Innovation and if he cannot buy you out, he will build a replacement for your Application

Instagram has turned out to be the biggest weapon in the war chest of Zuckerberg. When Evan Spigiel refused to sell Snapchat , Zuckerberg quickly morphed Instagram to do all what Snapchat can do , leaving Snapchat with a huge dose of Identity crisis

Now a lot of people are already calling IGTV the Youtube killer , even though I think that it is too early for that. I believe that IGTV will take advantage of the Attention economy online


Image Source : Personal Screenshot

People rarely love to move outside Applications. That't why most posts on Social media that links to blogs or websites have low read rates

People love to consume on Platform content and IGTV is giving people a similar Interface within the Instagram economy where they can enjoy long form Video Content

IGTV enables you to post videos that are vertical and at least 15 seconds long. It is linked with Instagram so your Fans don't have leave Instagram to consume your content

I believe that we will see a lot of activity over the next few weeks and if you are in doubt there are a wide range of content that will do well on IGTV

While the previous Instagram 60 second limit placed an lot of restrictions, we are going to see more and more Indepth videos on Instagram now.

Comedians who ply their trade on Instagram can now effortlessly entertain their fans same as those who post tutorial videos on things ranging from cooking a meal to Make Up Videos

Though it is being compared with Youtube, there are core differences between IGTV and Youtube

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Built For Mobile

The Vertical nature of IGTV videos clearly shows that it was built with Mobile in mind. Uploading Horizontal Videos will just ruin the user experience for you

This has gone one step further in removing the barriers to online content creation as far as I am concerned. IGTV is going to do Youtube what Instagram did to Cameras. Over the past few years. Instagram has faced Intense criticism from Professional Photographers who lament that it has made Photography skills irrelevant as anyone can take a picture and slam any filter on it and it will look professional

Well the truth is that Technology does not care. People has lost jobs due to Technology advancements and more will lose. The best thing is for you to also Innovate

There is now no need for people who have been considering to open a Youtube Account to build a following from scratch , you can now leverage on Your Instagram followers and build from there and the Notification feature also means that everyone will get notified once you post a video thereby Increasing Engagement


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Just Like TV

IGTV is just like normal TV, and as this time you don't need to be rich or a celebrity to own a channel. Anyone with an Instagram account can own a channel

And just like TV , the videos on the channel you are in starts playing automatically. No need to " Swipe Up" to view videos . The list of channels are below so you can easily pick the creator channel you will like to view

There are different sections ranging from the For You section where you see the Videos based on the people you follow, and there is the Following section where you see the video of the people you are following .

The Popular section shows you trending Videos while the Continue Watching section shows you videos you spent more than 3 seconds watching but did not finish watching

There are no Ads yet . But we expect that a form of monetization will be Introduced soon. This is not hard to predict. IGTV is already Importing over 1 billions users from Instagram , so advertisers will surely come knocking

IGTV already looks like a winner the User Interface and User Experience is very simple just like that Of WhatsApp and just like Steve Jobs said :

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication

Thanks For Reading

Follow @ogochukwu


people are thinking

Wow! This is great innovation, thanks sharing bro!

Do you use Instagram? :)

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