Hey, Stupid

in #ignorance7 years ago

Very few grasp this concept because most people lack the skills to engage in simple statistical inductive reasoning.

Religion, the positive thinking movement, politics, economics, psychology, love, sociology, friendship...most things in life are based on glorious superstitions, elaborate make-beliefs, that people mistake as meaningful objective patterns.

I guess this is how everyone finds the power to go on.



"Ignorance is bliss" guess there is a reason that saying come to be popular...lol

Nothing to comment on. It's perfect.

Ignorance, or a willing suspense of disbelief, or the built-in need to procreate, or maybe a belief that friendship or group membership at least is real enough. I may be incomplete, or even overcomplete.
I do wonder which of these it is that prevents you from committing suicide? I don't mean to pose a personal question, it is more of a general inquiry, as even people who think this through and come to the same conclusion as you without being all that ignorant seem to find reasons to live on. I find it hard to believe your reason is "ignorance", but I have been wrong before.

I enjoy reading and learning as much as a whore enjoys fucking. I feel like I have to do it in order to fill a void of ignorance but the more I read the more I realise I don't know shit. Similarly, a whore has to fuck in order to survive even if the act takes a part of her life/identity.

What keeps me going on is DIY projects (I can pretty much build and/or repair most things around me) and good conversations that are getting more rear to come by. As for people, I can count the important ones in one hand and they are mostly important due to my automatic biological pilot.

So, trying to reduce your own ignorance, including understanding your immediate surroundings, and some people who matter for less-than-rational reasons do the trick, if I may be so bold to summarise. Good to hear, the alternative would be your stopping writing here, or indeed anywhere. It is also a bit unnerving to hear, for reasons I am keeping to myself.

Funny thing really, that even though you say ignorance is bliss, you still try to reduce your own ignorance, but then in doing so, you realise you know nothing. Maybe you found another way towards reaching a realisation of ignorance, in turn leading to bliss. At the very least, it keeps you occupied. Just a musing, and a sleepy one.

I write as a form of catharsis. It is much a need as much it is shitting. I feel relief when I write my ideas.

Indeed, I just keep myself busy.

What keeps you going?

What keeps you going?

That's the unnerving bit: about the same things. I don't like to say that like this, as it is easily interpreted the wrong way (Oh! We are so alike! Puke. Not what I mean at all. We aren't.), and I distrust my seeing any similarities in other people.

Still: knowledge (a book a day keeps the doctor away), observing what is around me as best I can (both entertaining and annoying), sometimes aided by a camera, designing and building electronic devices I can't buy, and mostly a few good friends and my GF, my clan.

I also work sometimes, but that is out of necessity, it keeps my stomach going. I'd rather read or take photographs.

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