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RE: For Emergency Use Only?

in #ifestyle5 years ago

Same here @dswigle. Most of them have been removed now and an awful lot of those left look like the ones in the photograph.

It make sense really because who would use them nowadays unless they are repurposed?

Did you see my post about the one in Brighton that has been turned into a mini coffee shop? I've not been to the Lanes recently so not sure if it's still there but I hope it is.

The one next door to it was turned into a mini flower shop I believe.

I'll make a point of looking to see if there are still there next time I'm in the area.

Thank you for the tip!



I did not and now I will have to look it up. I have been so turned around this month with the unexpected death of my brother, way t0o soon to leave this earth. Not to be crass but without a will, I want to bring him back to earth and throttle him as I get to sort it all out. No spouse or kids... just a happy bachelor with lots of assets.

Who does this??? Anyway, if I can't find it, I may ask you to link me. And thank you! xoxo

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother @dswigle. Sending you heaps of love and a big hug. 😢

The phone box post was a while back so I'm not surprised you couldn't find it.I might post it again.

John and I didn't have wills for years, even with children, but we eventually got around to making one. We probably should check it's still relevant.

Being an executor is a big job. I felt the same regarding throttling when a friend of mine handed me an envelope and told me he'd made me an executor. He never asked if it was OK. He just did it and was surprised when I protested. 😱

I hope the sorting turns out to be cathartic in some way and not too frustrating. Sending you more love and hugs. 💙

I must look like I want to do it. This is my fourth one. You make good enemies this way. Especially if you aren't family.

Wills are usually good until death unless you make a new one. I have to go see a lawyer for my brother as with no will, even though none of the other 8 brothers or sisters want to handle it (I have already done the needful with the funeral etc) but, to turn off his credit cards, sell the house etc, I need to be appointed legally.

Anyway. I am in the process of having anything worth appraised (rings, art, anything really) and taking pictures and putting names on these things. Sounds silly, but, I have seen more families get miffed over sorting out the goods. I can honestly say that as far as material things, I could care less myself, but, I can say for certain that death does bring out the crazy in people. In their grief, they don't even realize how irrational some of their actions are.

Anyway, not to bore you and thank you so much. OMG. Don't you love friends?? They all think it is an honor!!! NO WAY! I know then that they never liked me!!! :)

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