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RE: "IFC S1: R35 - Catchup Entry" Creative Minds

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

Oh Dear @erh.germany ......your words and depth of feeling so potent as I read your memory. You transported me there with you as you were re-living these moments. Yes, very moving and powerful - the human spirit and these moments that you catch a glimpse of the true essence of love. I am so grateful that you decided to share this very intimate and special memory (even though so sad).

I think that when we are walking through these moments where we are so vulnerable and raw with emotion that we are forced to release ourselves to it without filter or control....all else falls away and we are left with only 'truth/love'. At these moments our hearts are completely 'open' and unfiltered by our minds and the beauty that we are is able to communicate through a much higher language.

I am so sorry about your Mother. We have also been through 5 deaths these last two years....the impermanence of life/this body it seems is unfairly distributed sometimes....yet I know this body is only but a temporary home for the soul. I find comfort in that but it is truly amazing how one person's energy in a family is part of a familiar song and once they pass, the song is so different.

What a beautiful moment for you to witness of your mother's neighbor. She must have admired and loved her (that had to bring you so much comfort). She let down her guard for your mother - that is so sweet. Makes you wonder what her story is that she would be so guarded in her life, yet deeply caring on the inside.


I want to express my condolences for the many deaths you have suffered. It is a great task to remain strong about this and to accept that we are finite beings. It helps me to think and contemplate what gifts the deceased left us and what good influence they had on us. But not to transfigure them about it and to remain realistic. I notice that deaths cause some people to idealize a deceased... which I understand as a kind of compensation. Death should be more present in my modern society. It is often carried out outside the everyday and this shows me how anxious we are towards it.

I am glad to see that despite these difficult times you remain faithful to yourself and seem to have found a way to find inner strength.

My heart is with you.

Thank you, @erh.germany Thank you so much.

Interesting that you should mention the gifts of the deceased. That is exactly how I have come to peace. I had that moment in 2006 when I realized (after a loved one had died) that love doesn't come into our lives to ruin it or make us forever is a be loved and to love someone.

But these last couple years....whoa! Hardly enough time to catch our breath. I am very grateful that we have finally found our 'new normal'.

Life does return, we do smile again....thankfully ;)

Blessings, @erh.germany

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