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RE: IFC Finals - Second Round ===> Eagle Spirit's Conspiracy Theory Entry ---> Planet X!!!

in #ifc6 years ago

I go back and forth on this one myself - yet their are voices that have stated that such a body does exist. Sunsets are particularly good times to catch a 'maybe' view and I've seen similar sunsets to the one you posted. I just don't know - we've got satellites that orbit, space trash or it could be something there. I have a close friend that worked for 20 years with S. Greer (if you are familiar) and she just sent me a compelling video the other day that was interesting. I can go either way on this one - but there have been admissions from NASA have to consider that as leaning one way or the other.

Good post, ES.....Good luck!

Thanks for sharing the Hopi prophesy as well.


@youhavewings then with your "knowing" then i'm guessing that you are hearing the message just as I am. If that is the case, then we "know" it to be true. If we listen.
yes the sunsets are the BESTEST time, and now that I'm in CO very difficult to see. mountains and all that. LOL
yes i am very familiar with Dr. Greer. i guess the bottom line is the hopi prophecy for me and what i saw with my own eyes. the object was much larger and bluish in color and i have not captured but saw the red kachina as well but did not add that part.
there is a knowing and bringing together of all the info that IF i started to get more firm on it would make me sound like "fact" so i had to be careful with that since many people either do not know, accept, or care about this information. either way, its good to have an avenue of sharing the info.
i have seen many photos of this and videos, but to see it irl and getting that feeling throughout your entire body is something else. until the person wants to see, will they see. imo.
oh well, its been a fun round and good luck to you too!

It's always like that....'until a person is ready to see'. We've all been at different levels of awareness at different points in life and so I can respect that. When I started eating organic and gluten free in 2000, I had such a backlash just for that - because it was foreign to most people. I had some ladies over for a beautiful dinner and 5 of them wouldn't eat it because it was 'organic' ;) Now, I'm pretty sure they've all gone the same path. So I think a lot of it is fear or lack of knowledge...perhaps even wanting to remain within the current of social norms.

It's all good.....we're all on the same journey anyway - aware or not ;)

@youhavewings most definitely the way of it. weird re: organic and GF that you got a backlash. i've been eating that way my entire life. there was a lull in between of bad eating but got right back onto the program. what? that's so weird that ppl wouldn't eat it bc it was organic? actually, i take that back when i went back to SF after being away for over 20 yrs ppl were definitely that way. very true ... all on a journey if anything LOL

It is way better now than it was back then. Awareness. I think that most people have some type of 'food restriction'/sensitivity/allergy - pretty common and that has played a role in pushing organic/GF out into the mainstream more. I grew up with homemade foods so we didn't really experience what I'm gathering most families did with the fast-food/tv dinner culture. Did you ever see the how "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" ? That pretty much sums this up ;)

@youhavewings yes totally! i had some amazing dreams the other night i'd love to tell you about ... but its kinda weird LOL
also, some dood that is a Dr. and preaching and has ideas about combining some things, which i found a bit strange. had some weird messages come my way the next morning after that.
god, angels, blue star, maybe its all our talking in the ifc. LOL!
I never did see the Jamie Oliver thing but I did see that study on McD food. LOL

I'd love to hear about your dreams. I so miss mine! Definitely a stream of collaboration between waking and dream time (as you know).

maybe its all our talking in the ifc

It's interesting but I've noticed that people and places definitely affect our experience. I compare it to acupuncture.

Sounds like you're in an active time ;)

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