Power Up! IFC Finals Round 1 Tiebreaker +OT

in #ifc6 years ago


I need to recharge!

I've been feeling overwhelmed lately. So much to do, and so little time. But, it gets worse.


I do have a lot to do. But I am not using my time wisely. I am unfocused. I feel drained of energy.


Everywhere I turn, unfinished work taunts me. It's hard to even start something when things get this disordered.

Dinner? Better clear the table first. Oh, but there's unpaid bills on the table. Can't pay those till I get paid tomorrow...

I used to be more focused and disciplined. In the midst of that messy table sits my planner, still not filled out for July. I've been avoiding it.

My Power Spot

During last week's photo scavenger hunt, the fact that I could not identify a power spot in my daily life nagged at me. The closest I could name was my dojo. Definitely a place of power where I go to regenerate, the dojo is 40 miles away. I need a way to power up and focus daily.

I used to power up here:
I also had a spot here:
I fell out of the habit, and my recharge stations fell into disrepair.

Why Did I Lose My Way?

Entropy is powerful, too. Things fall apart. But what nagged at me, as I considered my power spot problem, is that I've never established a reliable habit of powering up at home. I disciplined myself to meditate on the front porch or to exercise on the back porch for a time, but neither habit was self-sustaining. It was one more on a long list of things to do, and eventually dropped.

Something was missing from my power up routine.

What Makes A Power Spot Work?


I had to free up my thinking. The activities that always recharge me include:

Surfing and skateboarding
Walking in natural landscapes

What do these have in common?

Open space, preferrably outdoors
Quiet and solitude (but can be shared)
A sense of awe, mastery, or both
Physical exercise
I feel free

Hm, the last one surprised me, I just threw that in there. No wonder I have trouble sticking with meditation. I need to move, and I need to feel free. I also had trouble sticking with exercise on the back porch. Too confined. Also, though I prefer to power up alone, it doesn't work if my power up routine requires solitude. I'm a Mom. If my power up routine can't be shared comfortably, it will never stick.

Mission: Create My Power Spot

I'm going to need a power up routine.

There are powerful places in the world, but these are not the answer to my problem. I've got to rediscover the energy that transforms the mundane into a place where I can feel awe.


A place where I can create.

I start with a skateboard ride around the block. My son discovers a slug. I discover some flowers.

We get back, drink some water, and I am ready to focus. I'd like to get the back porch clean. I can hear the voice of Dr. Jordan Peterson in my head, saying You have a back porch. 99% of people throughout history did not have a back porch, but you do. That's a good reason to keep it clean, to make it work for you. In his lecture, he said "room" and not "back porch", but it's the same idea.

I realize I am pacing the kitchen, and haven't gotten started. The back porch is too big. I need a smaller job give me a sense of accomplishment. I start on the front porch.


Mastery and Purpose

If you're gonna do something, do it right.
Sometimes I conflate this with If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all, leaving me with the very unhelpful If you can't do something right, don't do anything at all.

I'm now thinking none of these phrases are helpful anyway, and I should throw them all out. But this is my pattern, and this is why my "smaller job" got bigger...


After sweeping, removing the screen window, washing the window, and scrubbing the porch and entryway, I had finally started to oil the bench. That's when Nana (my mother-in-law) called from the nursing home. She was in pain and frustrated and wanted some company. Change of plans. Real life.

I did a quick job of oiling instead of a thorough one, and noticed that the bench was in better shape than I'd thought. Under a layer of dust, it was still evident that I'd oiled it well last fall. I was reminded of a reflection I'd written last year, about cobwebs. I'll find it and share it here soon.


It has room for improvement, but I reclaimed a power spot and my sense of mastery and purpose. Had to go help Nana before I could use it. (Nana is ok, by the way.)

Capacity and Awe

We return from Nana's 2 1/2 hours later. I need a shower and a nap. I wake refreshed, but frustrated. It's nearly dinnertime, and I don't feel like cooking. I definitely can't get the back porch done today. I can't seem to focus on writing or starting on my planner. I make some tea and head to the front porch swing.


I notice the bench feels smooth and buttery; a little oil has gone a long way. I feel glad.

I still don't get into my planner, but I do get the energy to start dinner. Beans and rice with chicken and corn. My family is actually grateful for the frugal meal.

After dinner, I encourage my son to go play on his swingset and I do a bit of work on the back porch. Nothing to show yet, just cleared a few items out. And I get an unexpected reward...

Some wild grapes are ripening early!

I Have The Power


This is not the kind of "Power Spot" that is universally inspiring. I'm not even sure it is all that powerful. However, as I said to @apolymask yesterday, this is something I need to do.

I can feel a shift. Today I faced that feeling of frustration and overwhelm twice, took action, and reclaimed my focus. I cleaned my front porch, helped Nana, and made a frugal dinner. I wrote this post, and called it quits early enough that I can get a good night's sleep. The power to do better tomorrow is in me, and I need to nurture it.

Guess What? My Husband Just Folded The Laundry. Score!




@apolymask Sometimes it isn't always about the destination but the process. Clearly this article has put a lot of effort and thoughtfulness into that identifying a "power spot". This is my pick.

@wholeself-in Life is enough right? Clearly your home is itself a "power spot" - there is no one location perhaps because it is all your domain. If you want to clean the porch to use and share with your family it serves to extend your domestic space's boundaries physically. Also, it potentially opens up a new environment to create memories and further tune into your ideal aesthetic in totality. Great work with the photography and narrative.

Thank you! I appreciate both the vote and your insight. I agree, my home and the purpose it serves for my family is the power spot, if I choose to appreciate it and treat it as such.

Thanks for the vote mdf-365! Much appreciated.

Wow great power spot post! This one is going to be tough for the judges!! I may not always put projects off, but I ALWAYS put finishing projects off! This post made me realize to finish the job! But there are just soo many! Good luck with the overtime!!

Thank you. This is how my workspaces get so cluttered. Cause if I leave the half-finished project out, I will get back to it sometime......

The power spot of the feet and the butt, when you need that fast speed recharge, the skateboard and feet, and bonus the kid comes too, net time it will likely be a spider that catches his attention.

When the feet get warmed or worn, there is always that relaxing swing to watch the time drift by, while thinking of, hmm I'm hungry, I wonder what I should eat. Sorry got hungry before bed. LoL.


It was a rhino beetle, LOL

He certainly is one happy bug hunter.

Whatever happens good luck @wholeself-in we’ve had a crazy duel!

You too, and thanks! 🐱‍🐉

Here's some interesting emoji trivia. Attempting to insert a "bow" emoji (as in gratitude) here, I was irritated that my Microsoft surface pop-up keyboard insisted on putting a "male" or "female" symbol next to the little bowing person. Scrolling through, I discovered a far more awesome emoji of a cat riding a dragon!

Apparently, only Microsoft recognizes the existence of cat dragon-riders, and all others interpret this as cat + dragon. It's a shame.

I love your entry and how this quest appears to have got you looking for a place close to home where you can power up more often. :) There's a number of good options there! The back porch is nice, the flowers as well. All of them really. Kryptocek had a sort similar kind of power spot entry actually, I'm going to have to sleep on my vote.. I'm not sure which one yet.. Gonna have to think on it a bit.. Both are good! Thanks for your entry and for trying and will let you both know soon when I figure out who I'm voting for! :)

I don't envy your position as judge. Thanks for doing it! This has been fun and productive, either way.

Oh kudos on your way to finding a power spot. I know parents don't always have it easy so I'm glad to see you coming up with a power spot. 😊

And that slug... Oh my, I don't think I've ever seen one in person. Only snails. 😂

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They aren't usually that big. Florida's got it goin' on in the bug department

Oh are they pests? I didn't know. 😅

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Hmm I don't know either, but snails can eat a lot of garden greens so I'm gonna guess slugs can too. I haven't tried to grow lettuce around here but in CA it got eaten so hard I considered just eating the snails instead.

Hahaha escargot. 😅

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You got a plankton sized upvote from @worksinsane because your post appeared in the We Curate quality post search tool. It is a web art thingy thing that searches posts which fulfill predetermined rules. Upvoting isn't automated, @worksinsane reads posts before upvoting.

For more information read the latest post.

That's an interesting project! I agree, planktons do appreciate every upvote! Followed your account. Thanks for the curation!

If the tags match, we'll be seeing again. :)

@wholeself-in As a mom of two boys myself - I can so relate to your post here :) You speak truth! And if we lived closer, I'd love to go on a nature walk with you - probably with our kids in tow and once we scheduled it into our busy planners LOL Summer is here (long awaited) yet the reality is there is a lot to catch up with after a busy school year of putting less important things aside - including ourselves. My goodness the truth in your post!

Very inspiring and some reality check for me - thank you for putting it all out there with your raw honesty and wonderful story telling. Your story gave me a little power to tackle my lost power spots.

Truly amazing post!

Thanks for saying so! I tell you what, it's taken a while for me not to see it as some personal failing of mine that I just can't get into more solitary pursuits like meditation or any solo exercise when there is anyone else in the house.

I thought I was just embarrassed to work on myself with husband and son around. Maybe that's so, but it's more that I just can't or won't disconnect from what the family is doing, if we are together.

Yay summer - today I cleaned a bunch of old school papers from the top of the fridge... how'd they get up there?

I thought I was just embarrassed to work on myself with husband and son around. Maybe that's so, but it's more that I just can't or won't disconnect from what the family is doing, if we are together.

I know I have this situation as well. I love being with my family. Then there is the aspect of go, go, go and a million things to do and the thought of sitting 'still' for meditation gets put on the back burner - as well, creative time....I can't relax with clutter. So I go, go, go to create that relaxing space....and then I'm too tired...and then, "Mommy!" LOL

It's all good

But you reclaimed your power spot ;) That is BIG!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week, @wholeself-in

Heyy.. I'm not sure if you check mentions or our discord regularly enough to see this quick enough like most of the other players who are left in the contest so I just wanted to let you know that the next round is up. Here's the link. Congrats on getting so far! And good luck!


Thank you!

Hey wholeself-in is everything okay? You're the only one who hasn't submitted their entry yet and you've got less than a day left. I think around 14 hours from when I'm writing this.. Just wanted to remind you and check in. I hope you get it in in time!

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