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RE: IFC S2R1 - If the Universe Is So Big and Old, Where are All the Aliens?

in #ifc5 years ago

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the read.

However.. There have been thousands if not millions of testimonial reports throughout history of people claiming to have interacted with beings from elsewhere, and I find it highly unlikely that they were all sort of just "mass hallucinating" these sorts of things.

This is true, and is something that interests me greatly. Untill I came across the Dyson Delima I was sure we had communicated with aliens. This picture had me almost certain of it.


Though I wonder if we are just mass hallucinating these things. Its not an uncommon occurence at all. We hallucinate every time we go to sleep, and I quite often wake up thinking what I dreamt had actually happened.

Many of the people with the most credible stories, the ones who then went on to do something amazing, all have a similar account. They recieved that information in a dream. Shamans used to take drugs specifically communicate with these beings.

Perhaps @leaky20 was correct and consciousness is some underlying force of the universe. The acts of altering our consciousness either through sleep, meditation, or drug use help us break away from that objective experience. To one where the normal laws bend at the more ironclad law of consciousness. In such a universe where consciousness was the primary building material of everything, telepathy, perhaps even faster then light seems like a rational possibility.

Those beings we have been communicating with could be many galaxies away so we would never see their mega structures. Or perhaps even other demensions.


Untill I came across the Dyson Delima I was sure we had communicated with aliens.

What about the Dyson Dilemma made you doubt such? I'm not sure I understand.

The image you posted is a pretty compelling one in my opinion! Though there's artwork from all around the world from pretty much all cultures, so to me it seems pretty overwhelming.. Almost all ancient cultures reported interactions with beings from the sky and quite a few even directly credit them with building their megalithic buildings.

It is interesting that you mention how it's common to hallucinate and that we do it every night when we dream and I think there may be a connection there, some researchers believe that aliens are less physical and more from another dimension and that would make a decent amount of sense, though I think there's physical ones as well and when I say "mass hallucination" it's like, multiple people seeing beings at the same time, like a "shared experience" and such similar reports separated by so many years and geographical distance.. Just seems like it's more than just something in peoples heads.

Perhaps @leaky20 was correct and consciousness is some underlying force of the universe. The acts of altering our consciousness either through sleep, meditation, or drug use help us break away from that objective experience. To one where the normal laws bend at the more ironclad law of consciousness. In such a universe where consciousness was the primary building material of everything, telepathy, perhaps even faster then light seems like a rational possibility.

That's an interesting possibility I've been considering more and more especially recently after watching videos on YouTube about the Holographic Universe theory and "shadow people" which I had an experience with when younger.. Perhaps there is some kind of.. Mental thing going on where we have access inside our own minds to not only things a long distance away, but.. "everything".. And some of these experiences may be sort of a "bleedover" or a "glitch" or something like that.. Hmm..

Those beings we have been communicating with could be many galaxies away so we would never see their mega structures. Or perhaps even other demensions.

Yeah I'm open minded to that. Fascinating to think about, however in the end I still tend to believe we have real physical beings visiting us.. I've heard so many testimonial experiences from people who go into great detail which seem like more than just dreams or hallucination. Yet in the end I admit I don't know..


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