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RE: IFC Side Contest ---> Who Are The Heroes On Steemit?

in #ifc6 years ago

you are so right on and i just love your comment. thank you so much for stopping by and sharing a piece of you with me. i love the last part especially, if its one thing you are good at, is drawing people. i congratulate you on your sweet words and touching my heart. blessings eagle


Thank you ma'am. Well i learnt from a boss at commenting.. in the name of @eaglespirit.
Tah k you for replying me ma'am. Its an honor coming over to your blog and reading geeat content.

he he "learnt from a boss" yes it takes skill and even some of the most talented have a difficult time at it, i can tell you have what it takes and i appreciate you. remember in discord i mentioned that about you when you go to personally welcome ppl from the introducing/introduce me page? you are very good and i look forward to seeing your wonderful progress. blessings

Thank you ma'am for the kind words. I will, yo the best of my ability work harder. By God's will.
I wish you the best also and a great progress.

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