IFC Side Quest - Wally Test No. 2 ---> Eagle Spirit's Answers

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

Image original by @yeszuzia & modified by @charisma777

  1. What should you give an injured lemon? Lemon-aid
  2. If an atheist died in church, what would they put on their coffin? Flowers
  3. Who went into the lion's den unarmed and came out alive? Daniel
  4. A man rode down the street on a horse, yet walked. How come? A very short legged horse
  5. How can you eat an egg without breaking the shell? Ask someone else to break it.
  6. Why was King Henry VIII buried in Westminster Abbey? KH's death was kept secret from everyone except those closest to the king, to allow transition of rulership to his young 9 year old son. Due to the age of the child, this is why KH is buried at WA and all planned by KH himself.
  7. Country's used to hang many criminals, but they would not hang a man with a wooden leg. Why? Wooden legs don't wrap around necks, ropes do.
  8. Why do storks stand on one leg? They don't flamingo's stand on one leg, and it's to store heat.
  9. A circular field is covered in thick snow. A black cow with white spots is in the middle. Two white cows with black spots are on the edge of the field. What time is it? Winter time.
  10. What was the problem with the wooden car with wooden wheels and a wooden engine? It wooden go.

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Image original by @yeszuzia & modified by @charisma777


Great answers!!! Good luck!! Lol @it wooden go!

thank you so much my dear lady friend. :)

Agree with @charisma777 great answers! I like how you put it in a blog too!

aww thank you so much! it's a fun one, and hard as all ifc things are .. doh!

Good answers, and you got hive bombed.

wooohooooo wait youre in the hive too 🤣🤣🤣

Yep. I be there too. I help a lot of little guys, and the hive team helps me. A nice win win.

i agree , im
feeling a good group thing going on!

Nice humor, thanks for the pick me up, some levity.

youre do welcome :) thanks for stopping by

numbers 4and 5 cracked me up. lol!
Nice one.

awww thanks so much! :)

I also made an entry to this contest! What a fun game! We have a few of the same answers too, heres to hoping we are right! :)

hey i hope you arent stalking or copying my answers :p

I would never........ ;)

hey hey i caught that wink!! you ain fooln no onessss 😛😛😆😝😝😝

Hey hey hey now!! I aint no cheetah!! :D

did you just call cheetah? hahahahha
hey i dunno have you seen some of those answers on that post?? whos to stop anyone from looking . when i did it not many people could answer all of them ...

yay! thank you so much

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