
Perhaps we ought to be grateful. Through experiencing the heights of love and the depths of heartache, we've both discovered the immense effect that two people can have upon each other. Not only will this have made us far more empathetic, but it begs the question how much power can a unified humanity yield, and what can be accomplished through it. Furthermore, it provides us with the very best of reasons to fight for that unity, having known what it is to suffer the loss of wholeness.

Very well said. I highly agree. And I am grateful. Very much so, I just at the same time also wish it had worked out better and that I got to experience those things more in life. But on the flipside I did learn a LOT.. And if I ever fall in love again I think I'll be a much more complete and balanced human having gone through so much "shit" so to speak. And even if I don't fall in love again I'm still much more balanced and like you said "empathetic" and able to relate to people in ways I wouldn't have been otherwise.

Well perhaps you can advise me on how to fall out of love, because I have been having great difficulty with that, even in acknowledging that it's what I want.

Not sure if I can help there or not. I think for me at least it depends on if I felt that person was "right" for me or not.. I'll never fall out of love with the first woman I fell for because I think she was right for me, though the next 4 women I fell for I have done a pretty good job of falling out of love with them because I realized they didn't treat me well and that's not what I'm looking for. One of them still crops up in my mind from time to time cause I thought she was different, though I keep having to remind myself that if she was different she wouldn't have treated me the way she did.

So.. I dunno what's going on in your case, but for me I find that it helps to realize that I "had" an idea in my mind of what I was looking for and I thought those women were that at first, but after a while I discovered that's not who they really were.. And when I realized that's not who they were and that they weren't as nice and loving as I originally thought then it became much easier to let go. Though as I mentioned one of them still crops up in my mind from time to time so it's not always so easy. Yet.. What helps me the most to let go is to keep reminding myself each time she shows up in my mind that.. She wasn't who I thought she was. I shouldn't be so heart broken over someone who ditched me and didn't even feel bad about breaking my trust numerous times and leaving me to fend for myself.. If she had genuinely cared and tried to work with me and such.. That would be different and it'd be more difficult to let go.. But at least in my cases most of these women ended up showing themselves to be much less caring and loving than I thought they were. Hope that helps in some way.

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