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RE: IFC Season 2 Participants

in #ifc6 years ago

Hey there. I think you might be better off individually asking each person on steem or on discord and you might get more of a response, or send them a link to this post as many of them might not even see this post.

I give you permission to use my name/character and also if you want I think you could do it with others without their permission just mention them vaguely like I did in my short stories where I didn't have them speaking any lines and I just mentioned them by name and what they are known for in the community.

My character is named Apolymask and he's a bit mysterious.
Not much is known about him other than that he created the contest idea we are participating in and he seems to be an individual who is ethically motivated and who cares about morality. He is based off of me in real li,fe lol. And I wrote a short story about him/myself that I'll post a link below for if you'd like to mine that for any extra info I might have included.
He seems to have some dark issues he struggles with and has dealt with in the past, though generally is trying to do what he thinks is the right and honorable thing.


Ah, yeah that's a good idea, I will do that.

Thank you :) I guess that would work. And I could leave major roles for people who want to be a part of it.

Cool :) sounds like quite an intriguing character. I'm sure there will be some mysterious plots happening before too long, so that should work out nicely.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome! And cool. :) I look forward to it. You're quite the writer!

Thank you :) so are you. I'm really enjoying going back and reading your earlier IFC submissions and short stories. Have you ever considered writing professionally? You're definitely on par with a lot of sci-fi writers I have read.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome. That's cool to hear you're enjoying going back and reading earlier IFC submissions and short stories. :) There's a wealth of information stored on the block chain! I'll be curious to see what it's like in 10 years and if people go back to find stuff for historical purposes, heh.

And yes actually, to answer your question I'm about to apply for a professional writing job pretty soon here on a site called Textbroker and hopefully that leads to work for private clients as well. I'm not the greatest at advertising myself, so we'll see how it goes but at the very least I'm going to dip my toes in it and see how it goes. :) Thanks for the nice sentiments by the way! It cheered me up to read that you think that.

Man, that's something to think about. The blockchain will be enormous by then. I guess if Moore's law holds, that won't really be an issue but it's daunting to think about.

Well that sounds like an excellent opportunity. I hope that it goes superbly. What kind of writing would it be?

Posted using Partiko Android

Word.. Indeed. Definitely something to think about, I could see steemit being like Facebook some day and much of the world on it, or on another platform that is similar if another one pops up and does it better. I tend to think that's the direction the future is going. Time will tell though!

Thanks for the well wishes friend! And the writing will vary.. Could be almost anything depending upon what the business or client wants. But probably articles for the web or to help sell products and stuff like that.

Man. Can you even imagine the size of nodes if a billion people were in steemit? It's a little mind boggling. I feel like you'd need super computers to handle it all. I guess that is where things are heading though.

Interesting. I guess I never thought about product writeups being contracted work, but that makes sense.

Posted using Partiko Android

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