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RE: IFC S1 R38 entry- Motivations in Learning a Second/Foreign language

in #ifc6 years ago

What motivates me? That is something I am struggling with right now. To be honest, my job isn't what I thought it would be like as I finish up the first year through my program. I thought coming to teach in Korea would be a really meaningful job and I could be a memorable teacher. Long story short, I made more significant impacts teaching back in America.

That's a bummer to hear. But perhaps you can take that newfound knowledge and help propel it to where you want to go next, which I'm sure you've probably already considered.

A lot of times, I find myself motivating students extrinsically, through prizes and candy. Is that the best way to drive students? In my personal opinion, no, but I am trying my best to get students wanting to learn. It is one of my personal philosophies (I can't remember where I read it now) that a teacher's job is over when the student can teach themselves.

I don't think extrinsic motivation is all bad! That's sort of how this IFC game works. And steemit, and the real world economy in general. And just.. Basic life.. Like.. I'm hungry.. I need to go find some food and eat.
I think if you work rewards into it like candy and stuff, that can help! Especially if you're students are being a bit uncooperative or difficult. I think the more fun you make learning, the more people learn.
Also I like what you said at the end there about a teachers job being done when a student can teach themselves. Ima have to remember that one!

Oh and.. I think ultimately.. It's all kind of intrinsic motivation, even if it's a new car or food or sex or whatever it is you want, it all starts in your mind. I think we would be wise to try to have the proper balance of such things if possible.

That is what I aspire to; I want to leave students with a desire to seek more understanding.

That's awesome man, and highly admirable. :) We need more of that in the world in my opinion.

People told me that I suck at Korean and I can't be a good teacher, so I worked my ass off studying and taking whatever opportunity I could to prove them wrong and here I am now. I guess, proving people wrong is also a form of intrinsic motivation for me.

Well said! I'm very similar.. :) I love showing people wrong who doubted.

Well, that is how I try to motivate students in the class and how I try to drive myself.

Word, geat work man. Thanks for sharing! I also appreciate the Shia Labeouf video. Heh. That's a good one. Excellent entry! Sorry for the super delayed response, I'm so overwhelmed trying to keep up with all this. Hope all is well!

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