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RE: IFC - S1 : R32 entry- The Freedom of Knowledge

in #ifc6 years ago

Really fascinating info, especially that study you posted about workers now and in older times. Wow.. I've been complaining for a while on social media about how it seems like people are enslaved yet instead of physical chains they are mental ones.. And if you think about it.. That's sort of what is happening in a lot of the world, the people in power have used their mental powers to construct a system in which they are on the top of the pyramid and everyone below them has a much harder time. So.. In a sense.. This whole economic and governmental system they have us under is sort of like our "mental" chains.. If we could somehow realize this in mass numbers, perhaps we could change the system and throw off these mental chains. Or at least.. Make progress and move more in the direction of freedom.

Oh.. Also in your question about returning to some kind of moneyless system of work.. I think there's some interesting aspects to that, however.. In my mind.. I feel like, the technology is becoming so amazing.. In the future work should almost be a choice. We could already feed the whole world right now if it wasn't for corruption, what about when we get these new 3d printers that can even print food? I mean.. On another hand, I think there will always be certain jobs that some people need to do. Like.. Firefighters and healers and educators and things like that.. So to me in the future I think it would be more of a choice. If you want to work and help society you can, but I don't think it should be forced cause that's not true freedom.

However.. In order for some kind of fair and just system that benefits everyone like that, we need to remove ourselves from the current corrupt governance. The two systems can't work together unless they are like on opposite sides of the planet and even then, they can't because the current form of government wants to enslave the whole world.
So.. I think we need to remove ourselves from this and also have a better model to replace it with. The moneyless working idea you presented has some good sides to it! Though to me, I still kinda think money has an important place and serves as a symbol of value based on our efforts and time, but.. The system we have now is just too messed up.. People are too spiritually undeveloped so they wanna horde it at the expense of their family and friends and neighbors, etc.

A lot of that greed would vanish if we entertained an idea like the one you mentioned, which I think would be great.. So.. It's definitely something to think about! If we could produce a system where the incentive for greedy hoarding was gone, wow.. The world would be such a better place!!
Awesome entry as usual! Thanks for sharing!

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