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RE: The One, The Only, The One-derful... UNIVERSE! "IFC S2R1"

in #ifc5 years ago (edited)

That was pretty funny, both the text you included and the video link as well. :) The exchange between you and bashadow was less funny though and kind of a bummer to read, by the way don't get me wrong I understand being busy and not trying to pressure anyone into playing more than they have the time or desire for.. I just imagine if someone new to the game or just someone in general who wanted to play read your exchange they might be less inclined. Whatever the case I enjoyed your entry and appreciate the laughs and as usual you're great at supplying them. Glad you found some time to play in the game!


I think you might have misinterpreted it. I think he was referring to skipping the episode about black holes and Uranus. I don’t think it was meant to be a diss at all. Or maybe it was but I don’t think so. He and I have only ever had pleasant banter in the past. You might want to check with him.

The only thing I’m certain of at this point is that my Morgan Freeman impression needs a lot of work.

Oh.. Oops. Perhaps I did misinterpret it.. It seemed to me like he didn't offer any input about your entry and just said he was going to skip the next IFC round, but I guess maybe he was talking about the black hole and Uranus part, that actually makes more sense the more I think about it. I feel a lil silly now, though I don't really feel like asking for a clarification from him. I shouldn't have even said anything at all really. Especially now that it looks like I could have or even likely misinterpreted it.
And oh that was you? I thought it was just a video you pulled off YouTube, lol. You actually did a pretty good Morgan Freeman and the Keanu Reeves impression at the end was great too! Haha.

I guess it was just a tab bit understated or whatever the word is. I should have said more about his post then the little blurb, but I had to run, so just the funny part got left behind. (well the part I thought was funny).

Ah. I see. Thanks for clarifying bashadow! My bad for misunderstanding. I'll try to think about things more thoroughly in the future.

Nah, no need to think, and me I don't mind, some humor between people go over other people's heads sometimes, a lot of it depends on where a person is how old they are and what they have been exposed to, and what they find funny. I know a lot of people that like and enjoy redneck jokes, me I don't, but it is all what a person finds funny. I do not begrudge the rednecks having their fun, any more than I do the seinfeld people enjoying his humor. New York humor may not play well down south, and down south humor may not play well up north, doesn't mean it's not funny.

Good to know! And yeah humor can be difficult to understand sometimes if you're not part of the "in group" so to speak. Glad to hear it was friendly banter and not what I initially thought. Cheers friend. :)

At first read, I thought that @bashadow was saying skip next round but it clearly says episode. It is so hard to understand context while just reading the words and not hearing the way it's been spoken. I know bashadow wasn't saying anything against the IFC. After re-reading everything I then realized he was meaning the next episode of Not Morgan Freeman. (although it was an awesome take on the Universe:)

We all know caring cobbler wouldn't down the IFC, he helped get it going and kept up engagement throughout the whole season! He created a song and even got someone to sing it. No, I don't think in the slightest our dear friend bashadow would be that crass. It's not in his "character".

Yeah that makes sense and I think you're right. I know everyone is busy and I understand if anyone is too busy to play, the impression I got was that he was continuing what Jbreheny said about being very busy and was going to skip the next round cause he was too busy, and my impression was probably wrong. And that woulda been fine if that was the case and he was too busy it just felt weird the way it was worded and like the contest wasn't "worth the time" so to speak, but I definitely more and more think I was wrong especially as I was unfamiliar with the banter the two have between each other and it makes a lot more sense that he was just playing around with Jbreheny as opposed to what I initially thought.
I feel dumb, but.. Oh well.. It's too late to take back what I said and hey.. I guess we all make mistakes from time to time!

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