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RE: A Call To Action IFC S2R4

in #ifc5 years ago

Well done jbreheny! As I just mentioned on discord, I think you did more than you realized here. Hopefully some or one of the new steemians you talked to decides to play, or one or some of the other IFC players take your call to action and talk to 3 new people and we get some or even one new player, but.. More than that you lit or inspired a spark in me to more regularly check the #introduceyourself post and to more actively engage with the new people.. I had got kind of detached and had forgot about how important it is to reach out to newer people, in fact as weird as it is.. I was just in the "help a beginner" channel earlier on discord and thinking about how it's been a while since I've helped a beginner. I've been so caught up and busy in my life that I forgot, and you reminded me.. So.. I'm going to be on a mission starting tomorrow and hopefully almost every day into the foreseeable future as long as I can keep it up going to try to talk to and offer help to new steemians!

I would also suggest to any other IFC players who may read this to try to make each one of your messages unique and genuinely read their posts and comment on them in individual manner rather than copy pasting the exact same thing every time, if you do copy paste some part of your message at least try to make part of it unique and show that you actually read their introduction post, I think that's important and makes it feel more personalized to them and less like another one of the many bots that spam new steemians with their programs and communities and welcome messages. As useful as those things are, I think it's great to try to add a personal human element, to show you genuinely read their post.

Cheers jbehreny! I can't say who I'm voting for yet cause I haven't even seen the other entries, but the fact that you sparked this reminder and new energy in me to try to get out there more and talk to new people more makes me really think you're going to get at least one of my three votes for this round. And good chance you'll get more than just one vote depending on how things go. Great job! And thank you for lighting that spark in me. :) <3


I have to admit, as human as I am and as much as I love winning a round here and there it has been much more about the growth for me. Both as a writer and as a slow climb to my crypto-currency millionarism (I think I may have just coined that word). Only $999,952.82 to go.

If we as a collective can bring in 10, 20 or even more players I believe it will be a good thing for the IFC, Steemit and each individual player overall. That would be a WIN for us all.

That's a good attitude to have! And I try to think similar, we can be rich on the inside if we try to look at things in such manner. :)
And lol, yeah.. Hopefully in time crypto goes back up and we can all be well rewarded for our efforts, though if not.. We still learned a lot! :D

Have you looked into Textbroker? It looks like a legit way to make some extra cash as a writer! I'm hoping to sign up soon and I'm pretty excited about it.

And yeah.. I think if we can bring in 10, 20 or more players that would be epic.. Not just for our contest but for the steem platform in general I think.. There's so much potential in this community, I feel like it could be a major pull sorta like steem monsters if more people knew about it.

The UFC is one of the biggest sports in the world, I don't see why the IFC couldn't be similar if the right people got behind it to help it grow. That alone could bring SO many people to steem, though.. Gotta find those right people to help sponsor us more and get more players and.. Hopefully some day this can be a much more professional kind of thing! :)
If not, it's still been amazing and worth it for me just for what has already happened. Even just hearing that one person has benefited from it means so much to me.

Let's get Conor McGregor in here to post for the IFC.

Lol! That would be pretty exciting. Though he is a bit controversial as well, he has the kind of personality people either tend to love or hate. I remember going to one of his big fights at a bar with my brother not too long ago and the people in the bar were so riled up it seemed like a fight was about to break out in the bar over it! Hopefully things don't get that intense with the IFC cause I don't want our game to be responsible for people fighting each other, though last season the finals did get a bit heated.. Some stuff happened I never really shared or talked about publicly, but.. It did get a bit heated..

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