CitiOS - The Best Solution For Smart Cities

in #ieo5 years ago



Nowadays, the world still does not have a unified definition of smart cities so far. However, basically, it is a model of the city that applies information technology, internet of things and artificial intelligence to manage, increase the standards of urban life, improve the quality of city’s service and use the energy and natural resource effectively. On the one hand, smart cities can be an opportunity for the development of a country. On the other hand, there will also be risks of megacities. Understanding this issue, CitiOS was created to simplify the complexity and monetize the true potential of smart cities.

First and foremost, let’s find out what is smart cities and the benefits of its.


What Is Smart City?

If comparing smart cities as a human body, artificial intelligence will be the brain, the sensor systems are the senses and the digital telecommunications network is the nervous system. In simple word, smart city is a city model that applies the latest technology to improve the quality of the city in every way.

Examples Of Smart Cities

The simplest example is the system uses sensors to manage street lights, thereby significantly reducing energy consumption. Besides, there is a few other common examples are as follows:

• Use sensors to monitor the situation of clean water leakage to prevent water loss for the city.

• Using air pollution monitoring equipment to provide warning information to people promptly, especially those people who susceptible to respiratory illnesses.

• Use sensors to determine the number of vehicles in the park, link the area's car parks to coordinate parking, traffic and driver assistance.

• Another more complex example such as the police can use CCTV to track suspects in the crowd, facial recognition sensors to identify the faces of people on public transport to reduce management costs, tickets, personnel public and bring convenient for users.


Challenges Of Smart Cities

Although there is huge potential of smart cities, nevertheless, there have also been some warnings about the impact and the downside of smart city, such as:

• While many city authorities around the world and the tech industry are excited about the trend of smart cities, there are concerns about the downside that smart city technology can bring. For example, facial recognition systems can be compromised, leading to privacy breaches.

• Infrastructure investment costs are expensive and need flexible application for each municipality. On the other hand, if people applied inappropriately way to the improvement of smart city will cause negative consequences.

• The huge amount of data collected raises concerns about information management and security.


What Is CitiOS

CitiOS is a blockchain-based start-up, powered by RoboAI Alliance, focuses on resolving IoT solution for smart cities. CitiOS aims to make Citi As A Service where everything is automatically managed and controlled by Artificial Intelligence based on blockchain technology. CitiOS is a combination of rich experienced team and state-of-the-art technology. With a broad vision and dedicated team, CitiOS is expected to make as much city as possible to become megacities with low-cost solution and efficiently operation with their Edge Computing and AI Chip Embedded products. In other word, CitiOS is leading options trading platform powered by smart contracts.

Solutions Of CitiOS For Smart City


As mentioned above, there are many barriers that can harm the building process of smart cities around the world such as security, high operating costs, lack of resource and workforce. Therefore, CitiOS integrated blockchain technology and autonomous IoT as the best solution to resolve this issue. The reason for this is because blockchain technology with its features of transparency, low-cost and security and IoT with its advantages such as automation will be the perfect match for this case. First of all, CitiOS project realizes that natural disasters and earthquakes occur more and more in the world, and its consequences for humans life is very terrible, making them to spend a lot of time to overcome, leading to budget deficit of a nation. Therefore, one of the CitiOS’s technologies is a blockchain application called Structural Health Monitoring, which uses sensor networks to predict and analyze city’s infrastructure condition. By this way, city’s authorities can know exactly whether the infrastructure is defected and have timely solution. Secondly, AIoT smart street light with blockchain integration can help to efficiently manage big data thanks to revolutionary edge computing. Besides, this product also use solar energy that can make it cost-effective for the city. Furthermore, because of integration of AI camera, this street light system can also help police to manage and identify criminals in the cities. Especially, all of the data will be transfered and stored on LoRa private blockchain network and none of the third-party company can use this data, therefore, citizen can rest assured that their data will not be compromised. Lastly, CitiOS’s own native token with high transaction speed and zero transaction fee will be the great alternatives regarding high operating cost and lack of resource that usually main challenges of any smart cities. Particularly, CitiOS will tokenize all of the process of micropayment by its built-in crypto token R2R for the payment between robots and robots without any necessary of human interference. Furthermore, users can easily purchase R2R token on P2P data exchange.

CitiOS Partnership


CitiOS, which is the best way to trade options, now receiving many invitations for partnership all around the world. However, there are 3 main partnership CitiOS currently cooperate with which is Crossbar, gyrfalcon technology and mtes Neural Networks. Among all of them, mtes Neural Networks will play a key role in producing AIoT Smart Street Light and CitiOS holds the exclusive right to sell and market this type of product, making sure that technology and product of CitiOS can be offered to customers on time.


Smart City not only helps to change the infrastructure and the appearance of urban areas, but also the development of society especially people in terms of knowledge, understanding, creativity, civilized. More than that, smart city is a city that always strives to be "smarter", helping to find solutions for social needs in the most reasonable way, and constantly looking for more optimal solutions. Therefore, many cities around the world are excited about this model. For that reasons, in order to ensure cost-effective of operation as well as reducing workforce and resource, CitiOS’s blockchain-based solutions is definitely one of the best smart city projects currently and it is necessary for the expansion of smart cities in both short-term and long-term.


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