Using $teemit Rewards F0r The Purchase 0f 'iDice' T0kens_ICO ending...

in #idice7 years ago


Now that bitcoin is booming along with other digital currencies and @steemit rewarding well as the price is UP, everything is working out nicely in regards to my businesses. Even my trading(Forex) game has stepped up! Crypto is truly a blessing as it enables us to run multiple businesses in the comfort of our own home - Bl0ckChain businesses ;) But m0re on this later 0n another p0st....

So, I'm back with my 'iDice' update -
last night I was able to research deeper into 'iDice' before making the final decision to invest. Conclusion - INVE$T!
Yes, I used my @steemit rewards to purchase $45 worth 0f 'iDice' t0kens. This was a n0-brainer actually! So now I'm finally able to be apart 0f the ETH-w0rld. iF you had read my previous post(link above), you would know that I missed the boat on ETH/ETC@dirt cheap prices. So to have this investment under my wings is a HUGE deal to me!
'iDice' whitepaper(must read). Not long@all -


iDice T0kens_Imp0rtant inf0_6-17-17.PNG

As I write, the ICO will end in approximately
ICO Ending_iDice.PNG
After this period there will be no more discounted prices. But we still have time to purchase 'iDice' T0kens by the 26th before no more 'iDice' T0kens will be created. Yes, you heard correct - n0 m0re tokens will be created after this date so, better get 0n it! Although this is what the 'Whitepaper states, I don't really understand fully as the 'iDice' t0kens are said to be traded on exchanges, which means that we can buy/sell the tokens? I will have to look more into this later....0k I get it ha! It just means that no more tokens will be created but we can still buy/sell whatever was created. Sorry , just w0ke up n0t too l0ng ag0 ;)


iDice T0kens_Imp0rtant inf0_6-17-17_SENDING_WARNING.PNG

MyEthWallet -
iDice T0kens_Imp0rtant inf0_6-17-17_0n Tha Bl0cK_Fully Vested ;)_2.PNG

ETH transaction fees are just as high as BTC, maybe even higher! Initially I planned on using only $40 towards the t0kens but prior to submitting, the total showed up as $37+. So I had to add m0re m0ney into the wallet noticing that there was a fee insued & the fee was 0ver $3 Yikes!
I thght these currencies were to solve these issues that Bitcoin is currently experiencing? Hmmm! ah well, I'm just glad to be apart 0f all this. "I chew fees f0r breakfast" but just would like to understand is all!

iDice T0kens_Imp0rtant inf0_6-17-17_2.PNG

N0TE that this is my first involvement in an ICO. I would l0ve to do something like this again....



I agree, I think this one is a no brainer investment. This was my first ICO investment too, so let's start things off very positive. I see this gaining 300-500% in very short order as long as it gets listed on an exchange.

That's great, how much did you invest if don't mind telling? I'm thinking to purchase more. Too bad it won't be discounted but@least I can add to my shares ;)
It's gambling - 0n T0P 0f the ETH Bl0ckchain so yeah, it's going to be HUGE!!!
Guess the $ale is still taking place
iDice ICO $ale_6-19-17.PNG

You're right. Sale just ended again tonight. I invested 2 ETH. Something tells me to purchase more, but this is my max to feel comfortable in case it goes south.

I was trying to get 0ne m0re $ale in but missed it. Nice investment ;) Way m0re than what I put in thus far($45)
I will purchase m0re this Friday 0r Saturday as the ICO will end 0n Mon 26th.

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I just want to share the coin information and share it.
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