How to Benefit Your Company from Your Ideas?

in #ideas4 months ago

Managers' lavish surroundings and larger tables serve as a constant reminder of their authority. The management occupies a larger, more spectacular chair in his office, while the employee enters and sits in a smaller, more uncomfortable chair.

Some managers intentionally or unconsciously highlight their dominance by expanding their bodies by placing their hands beneath their heads or by spreading their arms out to the sides when they sit.

People see these "symbols of power" instantly since one of our most fundamental senses is the capacity to identify the powerful individual at a glance. Everyone can quickly tell someone is strong, whether in a professional or personal setting. There is no need for training for this.


Of course, there is no need for managers and employees to be on an equal footing; supervisors may even enjoy some benefits. However, the power that managers possess frequently makes it difficult for employees and managers to communicate.

People are not necessarily humble, respectful, or nice when they remain silent, do not voice their own thoughts, or do not object. Good ideas and solutions are eliminated in an environment where silence is the norm.

In these kinds of settings, poor choices and actions become more common. Managers are the last to see errors, even though everyone can see them. Silence does not promote efficiency or harmony—on the contrary, it makes matters worse.

People who are unable to freely express their own opinions develop a "two-faced" culture. Managers are privy to one aspect of this culture, while his true face is the other. Regretfully, managers in the majority of businesses never get to know the reality.

But in today's environment, a firm needs the input of all of its employees—not just its managers—in order to succeed. A company will lose out on a significant competitive edge if it is unable to leverage the ideas and opinions of its own workforce. It also faces enormous threats at the same time.

Open communication among staff members improves both the performance of the business and the employees' loyalty to it.

Environments where people can freely share their thoughts make them feel more significant and responsible. Individuals whose ingenuity and ideas are employed voluntarily endorse that business.

Their genuine participation in the decision-making process strengthens their commitment to the organisation, even if their own ideas are not carried out.

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