4. Ideas rule the world...

in #ideas6 years ago

Ideas indeed are the greatest commodity in the world. All through the ages and till now, ideas have ruled and will continue to rule the world. Volumes of books have been written in the support of this.

The emergence of every great vision from the virtuality of ideas unleashes a great force to be reckoned with in any sphere and space in the world. The birth of ideas over time has brought about a new force driving all other economies, and bringing new authority into power. This is the economy of ideas.

This corollary is key in the Academy of Ideas, a good grasp of which is required by anyone who must lead in the economy of ideas. It is worthy of note here also that the idea economy is the very foundation and cornerstone of the Knowledge Economy.

Ideas rule the world in the world of business as any organization which fails to generate, adopt and implement new ideas soon loses its innovative edge and risks going moribund.

If we take a good look around, we will see that great organizations continually spend billions of dollars on fresh, bright and ground breaking ideas, be it in the areas of Branding like global brands like Coca-cola, Nike etc or in the areas of Research and Development (R&D), like technological giants like Apple,IBM, Google,Microsoft, Huawei,Samsung and many others. It's all about ideas,game changing ideas.

We can never over estimate the power and audacity of great ideas in governance and politics world over.
Capitalism, Socialism, Globalisation and Democracy are all examples of revolutionary ideologies stemming from different ideas.great ideas have amplified unheard voices, promoted worthy causes, toppled down government and given birth to different ideologies, off course, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Ideas are the game changer and will continuously rule our world now and always.

PS: Follow me and Watch out for the prequesl and sequels to this piece 30 part series

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