Ideas, Planning and Spreading Yourself too Thin

in #ideas6 years ago

Most creative type people have loads and loads of ideas.

That's probably no great surprise. I suppose what I really meant to say is that most creative people have loads and loads of ideas that never make it past the conceptual stage.

I tend to be more of an "executer" than just a "theoretician" than most creatives... and whereas there are some positives to bringing many of your ideas into reality, the hidden danger is that you can end up spreading yourself too thin. And when you do? Nothing you're doing seems to ever achieve any degree of success.


Plan A, Plan B... Plan Y

Mrs. Denmarkguy and I currently have seven active businesses/initiatives going, and since the local economy is not in the best of shapes, we're having to spend more time than ever, trying to keep up with everything.

From some perspectives, you might argue that we are "well diversified," and therefore have many options to fall back on, if one of our ventures should truly go south.

That's the kind point of view.

From a little darker perspective, truth is that we're not able to give our full-time attention to any one thing we are doing, which basically is close to the same as saying that everything we're doing is a "back-up plan," and there's actually no active "Plan A" that we are giving 100% of our attentions to.

Winter comes...

The "Talking Heads" that peddle success seminars for a living will tell you that it's a recipe for disaster to (a) not have a primary plan you're giving 100% of your attention to, and (b) spread yourself too thin.

But Everything is INTERESTING!

I have previously written about my lifelong struggle with "Too Many Interests Syndrome" (AKA: ADHD), and I'm quite open to admitting that I tend to take on too many different things, in the hope that one of them turns out to be a real winner.

But can I really expect that, given that I have never actually had the luxury of just focusing 100% on any one thing I have started?

I fear there may be a self-fulfilling prophecy there; a negative feedback loop: Because I take on too many things, I never can give 100% to any one of them, as a result of which none are ever true "winners," as a result of which I keep taking on new projects... in search of a winner. See where that can become a problem?

Summer daisy...

Unfortunately, both Mrs. Denmarkguy and I "suffer" from this same affliction... and even though we both love being self-employed, the specter of a "real" 9-5 job looms ever larger ahead. For her, a return to the restaurant industry; for me, retail management — someone else's store, not our own. Our lack of focus has gradually become a liability.

In time, we'll see how it all plays out. For now, we're just trying to narrow our scope and focus, and perhaps get rid of some of the deadwood that consumes time but sadly adds very little to our personal bottom line.

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? Do you tend to stay singularly focused on just one thing? Or are you more likely to spread yourself around? Are you self-employed, or do you work for someone else? If you ARE self-employed, how do you manage your time? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181208 23:15 PDT


Perhaps it is true that in business at least (and perhaps in other areas) you should give 80% of your time and attention to the 20% of the most profitable activities/clients/investments.

Lovely post...and... Lovely photoshoot ... I love dear friend @denmarkguy

I've been self employed all my life but have no time management skills at all! Occasionally I manage to be a step ahead of the crowd, and right now I'm just hoping I'm right about my next guess - that goldman sachs are crashing crypto prices so they can buy them all, and early next year they will start slowly bringing them up - if that happens I'll give myself a medal - but if not, a spanking...

I too suffer from this , I did a couple post about this too. So many interesting ideas in my mind. But for never, I have a day job and then at night j do my creatives. But recently I’ve been feeling the effects. Anxious , tired, lack of focus . I too needs to drop some deadwood, s

Posted using Partiko iOS

Maybe you have make a good choice of letting go some to ease the burden.

You raise very real points here but there are ways through. To keep working at one business at a time until it gets successful enough that you can then delegate a good proportion of workload before moving on is advantageous. Most businesses require at least two years of solid devotion to make them successful enough to then delegate work to and move on to your next idea.
Also organizing your energies with meditation if you don’t already is hugely helpful. With only 15 minyutes of meditation in the morning I find myself amazingly more focused and able to complete far more tasks in the space of a day than I ever did before.
I wish you both luck and happiness. 🌈🦋🌴🍀

Oh man, I hear ya about this. I am pretty good at narrowing down the ideas I give my time to, though it could be better.

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