How to be mentally strong

in #idea7 years ago


1 ) Don’t attend pity parties.
Whether it’s your mom, best friend or spouse, DO NOT ENGAGE. Actively participating in pity parties, sets two false precedents for mental strength.
a) Wallowing in misfortune is cathartic.
b) I’m a victim of bad luck anyway so my autonomy doesn’t have value.

This is something I’ve had a hard time dealing with. Especially with other family members. The worst thing you can do to someone at a pity party is put a comforting hand on their shoulder. This validates their feelings of inferiority. What you wanna do is give them a proverbial kick in the ass.

Pitying yourself is an anchor to your feet. The longer it’s on, the further you’ll sink. No matter how bad things may seem, stay afloat.

2 ) Remember that everything is destined for the graveyard.
Every friendship you’ve ever had. That new car you bought. The feelings of euphoria you get when hugging a loved one. Your wife’s beautiful smile etc.

This isn’t necessarily the most pleasant of ideas, but it gives you vital perspective on why you should never HYPE UP anything for more than it is. Knowing everything you hold dear will ultimately perish liberates you from feelings of permanent misery.

3 ) Ask for help.
Mentally strong people aren’t too prideful to seek assistance. They embrace the power of community and teamwork. Don’t put the weight of the world on your shoulders. Let others carry the load. Go out. Meet like minded people and make friends. Worst case scenario you have a conversation buddy along the way. Life can be miserable, but only if you let it be.


I love rule #1, DON'T ATTEND PITY PARTIES :) When people talk down on themselves I try not to indulge, try to divert their attention to something more positive. This goes for ourselves as well.

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