I Am On Fire Watch Tonight UPDATE: We made it!

in #idaho6 years ago (edited)

It has been a very long day. I woke up puking sick, that is always fun. My husband got himself off to work and a few hours before he got off the highway between here and there was shut down for a fire. The back roads are goat trails with no signs or signs that have no relationship to any maps available. He tried anyway. He got lost, was running low on gas and had terrible cell phone reception.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...


A fire started about five miles down the road, and it is burning our way. It is right across the highway right now. The winds had been in our favor but are shifting. It is a very odd thing to sit here and calmly blog, knowing at any minute I may have to grab a couple things and go. My shiny, my guitar, my family. That simple... funny how short the list is. I am not thrilled with the idea of losing all the family heirlooms, my sailboat, my clothes for Pete's sake... but I am OK with it too. Getting the cows worries me, I THINK I could get them out... but, it depends on how much time I had.

This afternoon, and local fire crews were on the fire that was cutting my husband off.


They brought air support in right away, and they gave it hell trying.

As the afternoon wore on, it became pretty clear they were not going to get it out.


The fire was burning toward us. Across the highway, and running southeast, we were southwest of it. Now the winds have shifted.

They don't fly at night, though, so the stunning sunset was bittersweet.

All the excitement had me in the right place at the right time to catch this moonrise shot, so... lemons, lemonade and all that!


There is a person on facebook who says the Sheriff's office is robocalling some residents about two or three miles from here telling them to evacuate. I cannot find anything about the fire on the Sheriff's facebook page, or anywhere in the news. So, I suppose I ought to get back out there and have another peep for myself... what a very, very odd night!

UPDATE: It is morning, and I am still sitting in my living room typing away! The fire is still burning but it is moving away from us this morning. THANK YOU to everyone for their well-wishes!


That glow in the center is NOT a porch light, that is the fire.


I haven't seen you post for a bit, or I missed them somehow. I caught a glimpse of what was going on when your husband posted the other day. This is so dramatic, feels so close to heart knowing you know someone standing in potentially harms way, you will have us worried so please keep us updated. Stay safe out there. Best wishes.

Thanks for your concern, we made it through the night! The winds have shifted again, in our favor now. The fire is still burning but toward the wilderness. Not good, but better for us. The sort of weird thing is there is NO news about it, a few of us locals are keeping each other posted on facebook but the Sheriff did not post anything on facebook even. The Idaho and National fire databases still show nothing. This thing threatened 2 towns, a major highway and is now crawling up the most prominent mountain in our valley. No even local news coverage...?
And I am just posting about once a week right now, just overwhelmed this summer!

I could see the national news considering California has some major fires going on out there, like nine of them all at the same time taking up national news coverage but your own local news that is rather strange. I am sure it's a relief to you that it's going the other way, still will leave a devastating effect upon the beautiful landscape.

Stopping by to say hello.

Best wishes to you and your family. Good luck.

Thank you! Looks like we will be fine, it is burning away from us this morning. The state is stretched so thin, we just don't have enough firefighters to go around right now.

I am from California. I remember the year that all our firefighters went North to help others fight fires. And then our City was in danger and no engines were left for us.

We got very lucky that year. Or maybe we just get very lucky every year.

I am glad to hear its burning away from you.

Wow! Glad you are okay for now, but keep us posted if you can! Stay safe and take care of yourself through the stressful situation.

Thanks! We made it, it looks like the fire is moving away form us now and the winds are in our favor this morning. Very long night, to be sure!

This is really really scary and I'm so glad you've made it - and are safe. Fire is a truly unpredictable and strong beast. Take care!

Oh, my gosh, @fishyculture! This is truly frightening. Thank the good Lord you guys are okay. Please stay safe. Sometimes these fires start backtracking to burn what they missed the first time. It would have been a very long night for you...

Oh no! This is so scary!

We have to be prepared to evacuate at a moments notice too (though now all fires circling us are pretty contained or out). We'd grab about as much stuff as you would... cause you know, things are just things.

But your cows! We only have 3 animals we would just put in the car. I don't even know how you'd be able to get all your buddies out!

I'm so glad the winds have changed.... but 5 miles is SO CLOSE. A gust could carry embers at any moment. Stay alert.

Thanks for the update during the insanity. Hugs!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

be safe :( ALLAH reham

Scary stuff. We are having lots of fires around here right now. We have had fires close over the years but never close enough to worry about evacuation more like close enough to close the house up tight. And sometime have trouble getting back into the neighborhood for all the firefighting equipment. Aerial firefighting is so cool once its clear everyone is safe. GLAD YOU ARE SAFE!

Wow! I'm so glad to hear you're safe. I hope you stay that way. Blessings and rain thoughts to you and your land.

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