in #ict5 years ago

I would to this opportunity to say thank you very much for supporting me through buying my #nobols I sell it to help me help my community to be trained computer lessons! I will just say thank you very much @achimmertens may the almighty God bless you abundantly.
Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world. Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at our fingertips.
Modern technology has made it possible for the discovery of many multi-functional devices like the smart watch and the smart phone. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better… and more fun.
When it comes to the way we communicate, modern technology has had an impressive influence.
Digital technology has also changed what people term as ‘media.’ The influence of new technology on media is apparent since a media company isn’t necessarily a news platform anymore. A media company is now known as a company that helps pass information across the globe.
That’s almost half of the world’s population. Around the world, two million smart phones are sold every day. The amount of information being shared on social media networks is phenomenal.
Social media isn’t the only big statement digital technology has made. Neither is social media the only way technology has had an impact in everyone’s life.
Before the advent of mobile technology, you had to search through a dictionary to understand the meaning of a word. Today, that phenomenon is still preserved, but it is used less and less. Now you can look words up in a dictionary app you downloaded or just search the internet. Beyond words, you can search for practically anything on the internet.
The future of technology is even more interesting than what is happening right now. In few years, driverless cars may be the norm for everyone and robots will have a common place in factories.
Instead of looking forward, let’s focus on highlighting the ways technology has changed our lives today. Below are some of the most common ways we have been transformed by technology.
Technology Has Changed How We Communicate (But my community is still behind about the technology so here I need support to change my community too)!
How has technology helped communication? It’s amazing to look back and see how communication has gotten easier over the years. Communication tools offer one of the greatest examples of technology that has evolved quickly.
In the past, you had to write a letter to communicate with someone. The letter could take days before it was delivered. You also had to track the letter to see if it had been sent to and received by the appropriate person. Errors were not uncommon as well. However, there is no such phenomenon today—science and technology have made sure of this. To communicate with someone in society today, you have so many options at your fingertips. You can send them a message on social media, text them, email, or put a call through.
Who hasn’t heard of Facebook, Twitter, or Skype? Even if you don’t use these platforms, they’re a part of everyday life and aren’t going away anytime soon. Irrespective of the location of the individual, the message gets delivered on these platforms at the same rate and speed. It’ll be sent even if the message recipient is right beside you or on the other side of the globe. You can also send voice messages through these platforms, which is delivered in nanoseconds.
The way we use our phones has changed drastically as well. In addition to social media platforms, there are also many other applications specifically designed for communication. If you don’t want to sign up for a social platform, you can use something like WhatsApp. With WhatsApp, you’re able to message family and friends and even make calls over WiFi. This is a great option if you have friends overseas in different countries or simply don’t have a phone plan.
Technology Has Changed How We Pay Bills and Transfer Money! (But in my community they still using paper paying till now, so I need support to help my community through teaching them computers and after I applied them to internet package)!
No more do you have to enter a bank to withdraw money or transfer it to someone. Many banks have already made banking possible online and accessible to people everywhere. Companies like PayPal and Venmo have created platforms where people can send and receive money from any location using the internet.
Paying bills has also been simplified thanks to technology. Your payments can be automated when they’re due rather than having to remember to send a check in. With your cell phone and a banking app, you can do all the necessary bill payments online.
It’s even easy to pay for things using only your smartphone. You don’t have to carry cash when you go shopping. Apple Pay and Google Wallet link your bank account to your mobile phone, where your money is secure. The same machines you use to swipe your credit card at the store now allow mobile payments from your phone.
It seems like there are more and more technologies to have to keep up with. These technologies actually make it so that you can worry about less things. With all the payment capabilities available these days, you could leave home without your wallet and be just fine.
Using Technology For Shopping ( hahaha According to this I just laugh to people in my community because they did not even know and believe that one day they will use online shopping! I need a support from outside to help my community!)
When you’re busy or don’t want to leave the home, online shopping is an easy way to buy what you need. To online shop, you’re only a couple clicks away from buying the things you need. There is no hassle and no need to make several trips to retail stores.
Your average yard sale has even been brought online. With websites like Craigslist and Face book Marketplace, you can browse listings from people in your area. These are people who are looking to get rid of their used furniture, clothes, appliances, and more. Using these websites, you can view items based on what you need and your budget. Just like the technologies we listed above, these online marketplaces use secure payment methods that don’t require cash.

But I would like to request someone with a good heart to come and support me either with advices or with funds, and machines like computers to help my community and I trained them computer skills because they are still far in the information era! I will very grateful if someone chooses to support and advices.


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