Why Icon ICX WILL DIP Short Term, But RISE Long Term

in #icon6 years ago

In this cryptocurrency video we are going to be talking about icon icx. In this video about icon icx I talk about why I believe that icon icx will dip in the short term but will rise in the long term. Some of the reasons I believe that icon icx will dip in the short term is the delay of the icon icx mobile wallet, a possible delay of the icon icx ico platform, and the delay of the icon icx token swap. The icon icx token swap feature is ready but exchanges still need some time to implement and perform the icon icx token swap. I believe that icon icx will rise in the short term because of all of the great features that icon icx provides. We also have to take into consideration that icon icx will be added to more exchanges, with icon icx being added to Bittrex as a recent rumor. We also have to remember that the icon icx token swap, icon icx mobile wallet, and the icon icx mobile platform will all still be coming, even if they are delayed. If you enjoy cryptocurrency content such as cryptocurrency price predictions, ICO reviews, cryptocurrency / altcoin reviews, and more of the like please consider subscribing to the channel. Hope you enjoy!

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