ico bounty airdrop zapcash.co decentralized lending plartform
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#/: First Decentralized
Lending Platform
Be a part of the most promising lending program.
Control all your funds with full transparency and instant withdrawals.
1 ETH = 1600 ZPC
450 ETH
9200 ETH
#/: important: Data field is required to contribute to our smart contract. Transactions without this field will be sent back.
#/: Contribution Address
#/: About
It’s so difficult for beginners to start trading and make earning in cryptocurrency market. Many people lose money instead of making them because lack of experience and knowledge.
#/: Our mission is to help you build wealth in blockchain with our lending program based on Zapcash trading bot. We use machine intelligence to maximize trading profits. Zapcash trading bot uses the arsenal of trading algorithms, ranging from traditional technical analysis to state of the art machine learning techniques.
#/: Zapcash is a DAPP build on top of Ethereum decentralized platform. Zapcash application run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.
#/: Lending Program
The main purpose of zpc tokens is to lend them and get daily interest up 48% per month.
#/: Good to mention fixed total supply and zero inflation create high demand which allows you to make gains from token price growth by holding zpc tokens.
#/: Smart contact details
Min invest amount $10
Max invest amount $200 000
#/:Capital release After 150 days
Early capital release After 24 hours + 3% penalty
Depending on the amount you lended you will get extra bonus added to your daily interest.
#/: $1 000 Daily variation rate + 0.10%
#/: $5 000 Daily variation rate + 0.20%
#/: $10 000 Daily variation rate + 0.25%
#/: $30 000 Daily variation rate + 0.35%
How it works
#/: New lending contract
Send ZPC from your wallet to lending program smart contract address.
Smart contract gets current ZPC market price from the exchange.
Smart contract opens a new lending contract with ownership of the wallet address that ZPC where sent from.
Now on daily basis, this wallet address will receive daily interest payments automatically from the lending program smart contract.
#/: By the end date of the leading contract, capital will be released to the same wallet address.
Daily interest payment
#/: The smart contract gets ZPC market price.
T#/: he smart contract gets current interest rate.
#/: Smart contract sends to all open lending contracts their daily interest payments.
Capital release payment
#/: The smart contract gets ZPC market price.
Smart contract release capital to all ended lending program contracts.
#/: You can find detailed information in our FAQ section.
Token Sale
Pre Sale
Main Sale
Partnerships, Marketing, Airdrops and Bounties
Company Reserve
#/: Development and Maintenance
#/: Business Development and Marketing
#/: Operations, legal and Admin
Company Reserve
Symbol ZPC
Token price 1 ZPC = $0.30 USD
☆#/: Total supply 20,000,000 ZPC Tokens
Pre Sale 1,000,000 ZPC / $270K USD (10% Bonus)
Main Sale 14,000,000 ZPC / $4.2M USD
Token Sale Hard Cap 15,000,000 ZPC / $4.47M USD
Token Sale Starts July 30, 2018, at 06:00 GMT
Token Sale Ends (Whichever comes earlier) Hard Cap Reached August 30, 2018, at 06:00 GMT
Minimum Purchase Amount 100 ZPC / $30 USD
Price of the 1 ZPC token without any discount is set at $0.30
Pre-sale tokens have a lockup of over 3 months.
The company reserve tokens have a lockup of over 1 year.
All unsold tokens from the main sale will be burned. There will not be another Token Generation Event.
December 2017
Zapcash project started
January 2018
The Alpha-version of the AI-based trading bot
Alpha QC testing
March 2018
Beta-version of the AI-based trading bot
Beta-version QC testing
Structuring the concept of using Ethereum blockchain
May 2018
Pre-sale round, $270K raised
June 2018
☆☆☆#/: Start bounty and airdrop campaign
July 2018
Main-sale round
September 2018
#join #bounty #airdrop
from link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScu5r_TO1cU5xrG-UouOdfop2kqHpSKUrlD14z_lTXNRlvM3A/viewform
web site link: https://www.zapcash.co
#/:Deployment of lending program smart contract
Release Zapcash dashboard (Enhanced access to lending program smart contract features)
November 2018
Integrating Peer-To-Peer trading in Zapcash dashboard based on 0x Protocol.
Our support team available 24/7