Pangeacoin - ready to launch ICO

in #ico7 years ago

With starvation on the rise like never before and new technologies emerging
that could actually put a stop to and possibly end malnutrition in poverty-stricken areas
around the world, we have put a plan in place to finally put an end to world-wide hunger.
Through the mining of our Pangeacoin crypto-currency utilizing our custom blockchain
and user-friendly client software, our mission is utilize digital funds to build vertical farms
in strategic locations around the globe and distribute food year round to consumers and
businesses directly through our planned distribution centers. With our markets set up
around the world, consumers and businesses will be able to purchase healthy and nutritious
food such as wheat, rice, fruits and vegetables using our Platform, PangeaCoins. Thus
making PangeaCoins one of the world’s first digital currencies on the market that is backed
by food with a serious effort to end hunger and suffering everywhere

Right now, 70% of 7 Billion people eat rice (globally). Yet,there is a global shortage in rice today, as well as a global
shortage with many major crops and fruits. Most farmers in various regions can only grow these crops and fruits during
certain times of the year. The unpredictable nature of weather has also affected global crop production. Once a crop is
farmed and sent to market, it is devoured by a very populated planet.

What if Pangea Farms World Wide could create a way to make Platform worth real money? What if I told you that, for the
first time in history, a Platform could have value other than with the block chain technology it runs on? A Platform that
could actually be used to produce, buy and sell healthy organic food! Finally, a Platform that could be used to obtain the
necessities of life. A global currency that could be used to feed 7 billion people around the globe. A global currency that
will be backed by a very highly demanded commodity. A global currency that could actually change the world!

Pangea Farms World Wide plans to use its Platform to “Evolve Farming” by merging farming and technology together.
PangeaCoins (PANG) is launching a global donations and is going to ask the world for donations using Ethereum to help
expand farmer’s farms and facilitate all agricultural transactions globally and efficiently.

The donation session and ‘Adopt A Farmer’ will begin February 15th, 2018.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 54274.36
ETH 2279.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.33