Uncloak - ensure the security of your company

in #ico6 years ago

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A few months ago I have been involved with a start-up company that had just received pretty significant funding. The tasks were simple enough at first, just the usual system administration for an office with twenty computers. But when I was finished with the basic setup, the manager asked me how secure the system was against cyber attacks, ransomware and the such. I am no expert in cyber security, so without further research, an antivirus was all I could do.

Upon dipping my hands into the matter I realized how dire the situation is for smaller scale or even medium-sized companies. While large corporations can afford teams of experts to scour their networks and inspect hardware for potential vulnerabilities. The others are stuck with blanket solutions, applications that refresh their databases once a new threat becomes particularly rampant, but don't do anything proactive to eliminate security breaches.

Unfortunately even these methods are costly, so many companies prompt to use obsolete software or cast away defense altogether. This has caused a terrible surge in successful hacks, malicious breaches, DDOS attacks and leaks that cost millions, both in initial costs and 'slow-burn' costs. It is long overdue for an alternate way of ensuring cyber security for governmental establishments, corporations and small companies.

Uncloak has been developed to fill this gap in the market. Through the power of blockchain, artificial intelligence and community rewards, they aim to raise the level of cyber security worldwide for only a fraction of usual costs. No longer will you need to employ specialized professionals for the job, because Uncloak is a tool that includes both AI and ethical hackers – known as hunters on the platform.

First, the development team, who are experts in the field, created a more common tool, an application that is currently used by many large companies to scan, analyze and find common threats in their infrastructure. Uncloak is an evolution of that product, with smart contracts added to the platform to create a community of hunters.


Let's take a look at how the Uncloak platform works:

  1. The hunter's identity is verified through a KYC and his skills are checked.
  2. The hunter is allowed access to the software and hardware specifications of all companies that are under Uncloak service. These specifications remain anonymous through the capabilities of blockchain to ensure the information cannot be used against particular members of Uncloak.
  3. Once the hunter spots a vulnerability in the infrastructure, or a potential for improvement, he reports it in the smart contract, with a possible solution to the problem.
  4. A number of other hunters are selected, to verify that the report has not been offered before, and the correctness of the solution. In the case that the report has been done before, the hunter only receives a star in their profile for their efforts.
  5. In the case that the contribution has been meaningful, the hunter is awarded 10 000 UCC tokens, and the hunters who verified it get 1500 UCC tokens each.
  6. The improvement to the overall system is made, and problems that are unique to one or more companies under the service of Uncloak are solved. The community is encouraged to find potential threats and perfect cyber security to improve their profiles through successful reports.

The better the hunter's profile is, the more tokens they can expect for successful reports. UCC tokens can be exchanged to Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies later. Companies can also buy UCC tokens on the Uncloak platform to utilize the ethical hunter community to bug test, threat test and improve their applications or other projects.


Even while all this work is done by the human resources, there is still an AI element to the platform. Uncloak has allied with Krzana, a world leading artificial intelligence software company, that specializes in scanning and extracting information from social media, websites and also dark web. This way Uncloak will always have the latest database of threats available, in order to ensure that their clients will be covered from every possible angle.


Between superb software, community involvement, transparency of blockchain and user-friendly plans for small scale (1-250 employees) and large scale (250+ employees) clients, Uncloak is sure to make an impact on the industry. It is no secret that the trend in the 21st century is to digitize everything, from business to everyday life, so in the coming years a project akin to Uncloak will become essential.

For more information about the project, token sale or technical details please check out Uncloak's official website, whitepaper and social media through the links below.

What do you think about Uncloak? Are you qualified to join the ranks of hunters? Have you personally experienced a cyber security intrusion? Tell me more in the comments below.

Uncloak Official Website

Uncloak Telegram group

Uncloak Bounty thread

Uncloak Whitepaper

Uncloak Facebook and Twitter

Author's bitcointalk: OceanWind33


I guess blockchain will become a reason of a breakthrough in security industry

Me and a few of my friends have done some beta testing and security testing work before, but it has all been very unstructured and paid inconsistently. Definitely would try again through Uncloak
gotta see if I have spare cash to buy tokens while they are still cheap

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