TREEBLOCK - The Public Hierarchy-Time Sharding Blockchain

in #ico6 years ago


A storm has hit the investment market which we are not going to recover from. Crypto investment is that storm. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, Treeblock is a unique and innovative project, designed to simplify dApps to be adopted onto blockchain protocol for many applications has arrived.

Before I take you on this voyage, please check out this video presentation

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.

What exactly is TREEBLOCK?

TrееBlосk” iѕ a blockchain thаt combines Hiеrаrсhу Shаrding аnd Timе Sharding tо сrеаtе Time Sharding Trees аrсhitесturе thаt is аblе to ѕсаlе blосkсhаin to a significant numbеr Tps оn-сhаin соmраring to еxiѕting blосkсhаinѕ. This iѕ a рubliс, general рurроѕе blockchain, and ореn ѕоurсе. With the ability to ѕсаlе, TrееBlосk can bе аррliеd to аnу project thаt requires a high-реrfоrmаnсе blockchain. The blockchain iѕ gоing to ѕоlvе 5 еxiѕting рrоblеmѕ оf blосkсhаin: Sсаlаbilitу – Pеrfоrmаnсе – Sесuritу – Stоrаgе – Tokenomy. TreeBlock introduces the FES or Family Enterprise Solution, which is the first blockchain solution that allows users to connect as a node and offers each family the opportunity to create a new digitized society. The Family Enterprise Solution will be one of the multiple dApps running on TreeBlock, and it will help families manage their daily life including communication, digital assets, finance, travel planning, business, education, health, inheritance – all of these safely and securely! At the end of the day, it is in the team's interest to develop a smart society where families manage everything smartly and where people will eventually connect to the TreeBlock network.


TREEBLOCK is designed to simplify dApps to adopt onto our blockchain protocol for many applications. It connects a network of users around the world via Smart Devices, Smart Contracts and AIs.

AI(s) on the system with permission from the users will share their information within the system to best serve the users’ requests.

Imagine such efficient system that frees you and everyone you care about back to simply enjoy your life. That is what our envisioned future with TreeBlock.

Family Enterprise Solution will be One of Multitude dApps Running on TreeBlock It will be Integrated a Block Producer Management Module

High-security: A secure channel for families

Safe: Store and protect the most important information and documents with our data protection solution

Tradition: Preserve Family data and Family Relationships

Flexible: Combine both centralized and decentralized technologies

Technology: Increase families wealthy status via the support of the blockchain

Inheritance: Family’s assets are passed onto next generation

Community: Connecting members by both Social connections and Family Tree

Knowledge Network: Every Family contributes knowledge for their AI.

DApps Can Be Built on TreeBlock

Decentralised Applications

Decentralized applications or dApps are applications that run on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers instead of a single one. Decentralised Apps have been around ever since the arrival of Peer-to-peer networks. They are a type of program created in such a way that a separate entity can not control it. There are specific requirements and criteria for an app to be considered a decentralised app:

It should be an open-source app, and any change should only happen after a consensus has been reached. Also, there should be no single authority that should decide those changes.

All information and the app’s protocols are stored on blockchain and are protected with the help of cryptography.

Tokens have the role of rewarding the network users and the application access.

There must exist an algorithm that makes the members of the network want to contribute to the app.

About YouRoot

"YouRoot is a blockchain decentralised application that is going to help you manage your family. It is a safe and secure way to buy, sell, maintain and protect your family's assets allowing you to keep family data and relationships within the family. You can do everything without the need to go through a bank because the family is the bank. This app allows you to see all the members of your family instantly. It allows you to connect, to interact and share life experiences all in one place."

The app on Treeblock blockchain network offers some unique features:

It keeps and protects the most important information and documents with a data protection solution.

It preserves of traditions and family data and relationships.

It integrates both centralised and decentralised technologies.

It raises your family status via the support of the blockchain.

It transfers the family assets onto next generations.

It connects members to social connections and family tree.

Token and ICO Details

The utility token for this platform is called TREX, an ERC20 compliant. At the moment, you can buy TREX tokens at the price of 0.02USD per token. In what concerns distribution, the funds will be used to develop TreeBlock, Block Producer Managment App & dApps on TreeBlock.

Token Details

Smart contract: ERC20

Tоkеn Tiсkеr:TREX

Quantity: 10 000 000

Token Sale

TreeBlock's ICO : Kickstarted July 2018

Tokens to sell : 6,500,000,000TREX

Current Pricing

1BTC = 275,000TREX

1ETH = 20,000TREX

The Distribution Structure

65% - For Sale (there are 6,500,000,000TREX tokens to sell)

10% - Founding Team

2% - Bounty

5% - Reserve for future plans of TreeBlock

3% - Advisors

5% - Partners

10% - Marketing

Fund Distributions

50% R&D

25% Operation

10% Outreach, Partnerships & Integration

10% Marketing

3% Legal Costs

2% Other


Meet The Amazing Team


Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:







Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1326035

My Ethereum Address: 0x76CC93E01A6D810a1C11bBC1054C37CB395F14C8

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.


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