CARBONEUM - The Democratized Social Trading Platform

in #ico6 years ago


Carboneum is a decentralized social trading platform owned by every single user. On the Carboneum platform, otherwise named CoinRadars, on the foundation of Ethereum brilliant contract with an open convention and token called Carboneum, that wants to convey a definitive answer for the greatest barriers in advanced resources and cryptocurrcncy venture; multifaceted nature, overpowering data, absence of straightforwardness, absence of decentralization and absence of bearing for new participants. The best conviction of our center group lies in simplifying the speculation encounter. We emphatically trust speculation ought to be for everybody. CoinRadars will be aligned with all key computerized resource and cryptocurrcncy trades making it a go-to stage for advanced resources and cryptographic forms of money lovers, to guarantee consistent and borderless experience for advanced resources and cryptocurrcncy venture for everybody. To make long story short, CoinRadars permits clients who are not outfitted and content with making their own judgment on computerized resources exchange to just take after industry specialists and duplicate their exchanging orders, either naturally or physically upon conclusive assent in the wake of being informed on local time premise. The stage likewise advances an extraordinary level of customization, allowing clients to modify and coordinate their charges, inside a specific range foreordained by the stage, in light of their elevation of hazard inclination and expected return.

What is Carboneum?

The primary objective of Carboneum is to come up with a decentralized social trading platform. This social trading platform is named as Coin Radars. If you take a look at a traditional trading platform, you will not be tempted to go ahead and invest in it due to complexity. However, complexity will not be an issue with Carboneum. That’s because the developers of Carboneum have been able to solve the complexity issue in a convenient manner. It is completely resistant to the complexity issues as well and you will be able to go ahead and take part in your trading activities with peace of mind. Due to this reason, Carboneum can be considered as a democratized trading platform, which is specifically designed for trading digital assets.


On CoinRadars, Ethereum is implemented primarily on the fundamental point of relationship in social trading mechanism, helping the system to identify and obligate one user to another, or in specific, a follower to a leader, via smart contracts. It also gives permission for the platform to standardize rules, penalty and settlement practice through such on-chain technology.

We aim to create a trading and investment platform for digital assets and cryptocurrencies which authorizes the greatest degree of knowledge sharing, promotes the purest form of transparency whereby all trading activities and actions are recorded and become totally traceable, verifiable and auditable via utilization of blockchain technology. And most importantly, we are extremely determined to build a tool that helps simplify the trading decision for newcomers, who by and large are not as technologically and technically educated, compared to those industry veterans, by implementing the concepts of social trading/copy trading.

How does Carboneum work?

First of all, you must comprehend the fact that using Carboneum is straightforward. Making a revenue using C8 is extremely straightforward and less complicated. You can make a profit with every positive trade. When you make a yielding trade, you are bound to get a return on investment. The success returns can be grabbed with every trade you make. Individuals are given a special token known as the Carboneum Token alias C8. This token can be used on digital assets. Of course, the token is not limited to social trading features. In the next few years, the uses of C8 is bound to increase. It will have utilities that can be used with many premium services. This means you will have deals and discounts on a variety of fees.

What problems will Carboneum solve?

As mentioned earlier, complexity of trading will be the major problem solved by Carboneum. It is true that digital assets and crypto currencies have introduced a large number of investment opportunities. However, we need to understand the basics of them to go ahead and invest in them. Otherwise, there is a high possibility for us to end up losing our money. This problem will be solved by Carboneum.

Even if you don’t have any previous experience with trading, Carboneum will help you to end up with positive results with trading via their technological platform. Your life will be simplified when investing money and you don’t need to worry about anything. Hence, this can be considered as one of the most convenient methods available for a person to get into crypto currency investments.

If you take a look at a centralized trading platform, you will not be able to find any transparency at all in it. But that’s not the case with Carboneum. It provides full transparency to you and you will be able to see what’s happening. You know what’s exactly happening for the money that you have invested on the platform. Due to this reason, you will be provided with the opportunity to keep peace of mind during the investments.

Another benefit associated with Carboneum is that it doesn’t expose the trading platform to a single point of failure risk. This is not the case with centralized trading platforms. In fact, they are more vulnerable towards the single point of failure risk. That has been mitigated effectively by the developers of Carboneum. Hence, you will get the opportunity to minimize the risks while you are trading.

Carboneum Trading Mechanism

To exemplify the idea of decentralization, Carboneum embraces íull customization oí the attractive rate o fc for pioneers on disseminated application (dApps). As any hypothesis of essential fInance would propose, chance resistance is a profoundly delicate trademark interesting to any given financial specialist. In like manner, an absolutely decentralized stage ought to enable devotees and pioneers to organize diverse expected returns and hazard inclinations and match them uninhibitedly. A few financial specialists may appreciate more prominent greatness of speculation return, remembering the more elevated amount of hazard related to such choice. Different financial specialists, then again, may be more Contingent and have lesser hazard resistance, consequently bringing down their normal return. In a similar way, the extraordinary yet remarkably ideal adjust of hazard resilience and expected returns ought to be reflected in the way changing rate of expense is charged by every pioneer, ro mirror our aggregate push to democratize venture scene and grasp such decent variety. The agreement setup process crones with straightforward advances cabin is completely straightforward and completely secured for all gatherings included.

CoinRadars platform additionally makes settlement to legally binding obligation to the framework conceivable in the most straightforward form, through shrewd contract. This allows the stage to uphold supporter who have inadequate adjust to pay the charge to settle the sum owed to the framework and pioneer later on. One of the principle profits by utilizing multisignature wallet innovation is it encourages the framework to gather expenses all the more effectively. Multisignature wallet in fact concedes fractional proprietorship to a particular element co oversee resources dispensed in such wallet in view of a prearranged purposes settled upon by the two gatherings. Furthermore, there will he a predetermined ceiling for value of digital assets Coin Radars can deduct directly from the wallet but fer a limited scope of services only. Alternatively, the platform can also issue credit to a user who is indebted to the system.


The Key value propositions of CoinRadars are

Transparency, Simplicity, Knowledge Sharing, and Incentivized Business Model. These values makes CoinRadars unique among other synonymous platform.


C8 token is ERC20 smart contract which allows follower to pay their leader and be used in other activities on CoinRadars platform.

Token Details

Token Name: C8

Token for Sale: 120,000,000

Tokens Hard Cap: USD 12,000,000

Tokens Soft Cap: USD 1,200,000

Token Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 8,000 C8

Distribution of Tokens

60% Pre-Sale & ICO

20% Company

12% Team & Partner

5% Advisor

3% Rewarding Token (user acquisition)

Allocation of Funds

50% Platform and Protocol Development

25% Marketing and Business Development

10% Operating Expenses

10% Research & Consultancy Fee

5% Legal & Compliance Fee

Carboneum Token’ (C8), will be used primarily on, but not exclusively to, social trading features for digital assets. C8 certainly offers other utilities for premium services in the future, such as substantial discount on every type of fee.

For ICO, a fixed amount of 200 million C8 shall be issued and shall never be reproduced in any forms. Out of that amount, 120 million C8 tokens will be offered publicly at a fixed price of 0.1 USD per unit.

The pre-sale period starts on 8 March 2018, followed by the public sale on 11 June 2018.


Above you can see the roadmap — how the team sees their nearest and long-term future.

StockRadars is the team ideally made to tackle this challenge as proven in commendable success and well-documented track record in building and developing Thailand’s number one online stock trading and analytical platform with 680,000 app downloads, double digits local and regional brokerage partners and 76 versions updated since launched.

StockRadars champions crowdsourcing and knowledge sharing to the greatest magnitude and firmly believe the uprising importance of blockchain technology would only further signify a change of investment landscape and provide limitless opportunities in borderless market of digital assets and cryptocurrencies.

StockRadars also managed to achieve 25 percent market penetration based on the number of monthly active internet traders; in every four people who trade stocks online, one of them actively uses StockRadars.

Above all, StockRadars is the only exclusive partnership of LINE Thailand, the provider of a market-leading chat application, in developing a service called LINE FINANCE and together they have accumulated a large and still-growing user base of 4.8 million people.


Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.

Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

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Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1326035

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