ALIGATOCOIN - The New E-Commerce Dimension

in #ico6 years ago


A storm has hit the investment market which we are not going to recover from. Crypto investment is that storm. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, Aligato, a new-generation auction-sale platform, based on blockchain and the AligatoCoin.

Before I take you on this voyage, please check out this video presentation

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.

What exactly is ALIGATOCOIN?

Aligato is taking the e-commerce economy to a whole new world with a decentralized database, where the register of blocks together with intelligent contracts enhances high security and utmost transparency. Aligato is a new-generation auction-sale platform, based on blockchain and the AligatoCoin.

Furthermore, the foundation of the Aligato 2.0 platform on top of the blockchain will ensure safety, stability and transparency at a level unattainable by the solutions available so far. The Pay via Eye payment system, operating through ordinary cameras in smartphones or computers, will additionally strengthen the security of buyers. Artificial intelligence will facilitate shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of product delivery to the customer, and the entire system will be based on the existing infrastructure.


To be a trustworthy, reliable, and professional company that offers its CUSTOMERS with the best possible conditions for conclusion of commodity and service sale and purchase transactions online.


The strategic goal of AligatoCoin is to win a strong and stable position in the global e-commerce market by providing high quality services, effective marketing actions, development of the artificial intelligence, all governed by the team’s top skills and abilities. We want to achieve that all by playing by the rules as our ethics and morale are one of our greatest assets.

The ethical and business patterns that we follow make the actions taken by us highly valuable and efficient; they describe the way we deal with Customers, Contractors, and Employees, as well as the way in which we carry out our mission.


The values we are lead by in our day-to-day activity are based on the following principles:

uphold quality at all cost, play by the business rules and obey the law, respect employees, tolerance and no discrimination, high standards at work, Fair Play competition, care for public interest and environmental protection,

The above principles are our guidelines leading to the fulfillment of our mission, and our business goals. It is those principles that determine the way we treat Customers, Employees, Business Partners, and the environment.


The e-commerce market in the world is growing at a dizzying pace. Very quickly, it is absorbing new technologies to make life easier for everyone using e-commerce platforms. However, these few companies, which are the leaders in the global market, introduce the required improvements too slowly, or not at all.

With Aligato, we think that that things can be done better. The foundation of the Aligato 2.0 platform on top of the blockchain will ensure safety, stability and transparency at a level unattainable by the solutions available so far. The Pay via Eye payment system, operating through ordinary cameras in smartphones or computers, will additionally strengthen the security of buyers. Artificial intelligence will facilitate shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of product delivery to the customer, and the entire system will be based on the existing infrastructure. Its introduction will therefore not be long-term.


The implementation of deeply learning Artificial Intelligence will enable us to ensure the user’s comfort and the maximum time savings.

The system will facilitate both the sale process and the purchase process. It will remember the clients’ preferences and adjust the offers to their individual needs. It will also be helpful in publishing sale offers and auctions: when you enter a few basic parameters, it will suggest how to optimize the offer and adjust it to match your perfect vision.


One of the main assumptions of the fully functioning Aligato 2.0 platform is creation of delivery system using autonomous drones. The system is to operate on the B2C (business toconsumer) and C2C (consumer-to-consumer) lines, delivering shipments up to one hundred kilograms to the customer’s door.

The created system will be autonomous and collision-free. In order to ensure optimal conditions for the possibility of flying drones, the existing real estate infrastructure will be used. Each of the selected relocation locations/points will have its own ‘transmission station’, which will be integrated with the coinomat. In addition, the “Drone Link” system will allow you to physically take over the shipment in case of technical problems or drone failure.


We know that the human is and will remain irreplaceable in many aspects of life. In certain areas, however, technology achieves results unattainable to the human hands and brain. We believe that one area is a large part of logistics: parcel delivery.

Our flagship idea is to create a system consisting of fully automated, infallible delivery drones utilizing our innovative solutions in the scope of warehouse surface, as well as ecological, renewable sources of energy. The concept itself is already present on the market as far as plans are concerned, but our patented solutions combined with an innovative approach to many elements in which we specialize will leave the competition far behind.


Our goal is to make life easier regardless of origin or culture. We know that improving the quality of people’s lives will result in our organic growth. Therefore, since we have confidence in our solutions, we will do our best to reach the greatest possible number of people in the shortest time possible. We are aware that we will need strategic partners and alliances based on mutual interest to achieve it.

You can rest assured that we will strive for such alliances as soon as we begin implementing our ideas. Therefore, we hope that you will also notice the potential of our project and be willing to support us and AligatoCoin at the very beginning of our way. We will establish a small alliance with you and, in line with our principles, it will be beneficial to both of us.


Blockchain technology has the potential to solve many problems that not only the e-commerce industry is struggling with on several levels of its functioning. It has often been proved that the currently functioning e-commerce business model is insufficient, and the lack of its evolution may have negative consequences for all participants of this market all over the world.

The main task of e-commerce is to make a purchase faster, simpler and cheaper, while the whole process should also be safer. The existing solutions are insufficient to fully achieve these goals. Buyers are wondering if the product they have ordered will comply with a specification and whether its payment and personal data will be safe. On the other hand, sellers are not sure about the origin of the product, they are afraid of its quality and authenticity, the lack of which is associated with the loss of credibility, and hence financial losses. Platform Aligato 2.0 based on the blockchain technology, will adapt the following associated facilities:

Placing all data about products and their origin on the blockchain will allow potential buyers to verify the authenticity of the goods sold. It will also allow you to find products more accurately meeting the requirements of recipients, as well as finding the same item with another supplier at a lower price.

The number of users of ecommerce platforms and the amount of data exchanged among them is huge. The data record based on the blockchain will significantly reduce the number of processes and prevent the necessity of repeating them repeatedly. It will also reduce data duplication and eliminate the risk of data loss.

Better mutual verification of buyers and sellers will reduce the risks associated with transactions, and the safeguards provided by blockchain technology will reduce the risk of theft of personal and financial data of Aligato users.


The AligatoCoin token is created with the ERC20 standard in the Ethereum network.

Token Name: AligatoCoin

Token Symbol: ALC

Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)

Distribution Process: The ALC tokens will be delivered once the ICO has closed

Cryptocurrency Unit (Token) Price: 1 ALC = 0,50 USD

Minimum Amount of the Cryptocurrency Tokens to Buy: 1 ALC

ICO Ends in 30/08/2018



Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

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Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1326035

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.

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