Why the world needs SpringRole..........

in #ico7 years ago

SpringRole is building a protocol for an attestation (skills, work experience, education, etc.) based reputation network with rewards to individuals and attesters (endorsers). The functionality of the protocol is enabled by SpringRole Token (“SRT”) - the protocol’s utility token. Everything in the system - the of attesting/endorsing, rewards for referring individuals/organizations, and other system transactions - are denominated in SRT.

Problem Statement

Resumes are usually the first point of contact that potential future employers have with candidates. They contain the key facets that we would like to showcase about our professional profile. However, in today’s world it has become common to have falsified or incorrect information on resumes. The onus is on the company to comb through resumes and use background verification and reference checks to make sure everything stated is valid.
It is estimated that 53 percent of the CVs contain various inaccuracies. As a result, resume verification is a very important issue in the recruitment process. If the documents or information provided by the candidate are false, the employer risks employing the wrong person.

Reference checks can prevent similar cases and shed candidates who provide false data. Most reference checks involve checking the certificates obtained a long time ago - these checks are then repeated by many subsequent employers. Currently, there are not many methods to check the authenticity of references and documentation confirming experience or education. Most often, such controls are carried out independently by employers manually or through external verification services.Such verification may require the involvement of many intermediaries and is prone to distortions.
For example, a candidate may claim to be a Stanford graduate and an outstanding Python programmer. Verification of these claims may require two separate verification processes. In one, the verifier must communicate with the Stanford administration to determine if the candidate actually studied there and obtain all the details from there. The employer then has to perform a separate verification process to confirm the candidate's knowledge of Python. Some platforms have begun using tests and tests to prove the proficiency of the user in a given field. Such tools are reliable to some extent, and yet susceptible to fraud. They also have a narrow scope that they can test - they are able to capture only some aspects of the candidate's skills and do not give a full insight into the level of advancement in a given field.

SpringRole Protocol

At SpringRole, we believe that the reputation mechanism should take into account the network of people that a user is connected to. In practice, the idea is that the impact of a endorsement is key to know a user's reputation and skills. Current reputation systems are "flat" in character: they do not take into account the experience of endorser.
SpringRole is a platform where users can view, share and get career references. In this way they create a verifiable biography that they can use in the recruitment process. The professional profile of the user consists of three parts:

  1. Education
  2. Professional experience
  3. Skills

Data from each of these categories will be verified on a separate path, and when they are confirmed, we will save them on the blockchain. Since it is written to the blockchain, information about the candidate will be guaranteed to be true and will not have to be verified again in the future. Data on education and employment will be checked by concerned organizations - they will simply confirm their veracity or falsity. The challenge is to verify the skills declared by the candidate.

We believe that using our community is the best way to rate a person’s skills. Current endorsements systems like LinkedIn have certain problems that make them ineffective in being a reliable tool for skill evaluation. Since endorsements are free, a person can endorse as many people as they want in whatever categories they feel like. No weight is given to the expertise of the person that is endorsing. The second problem is that endorsements don’t need the other party to accept or reject the endorsement - this leads to spam and users getting irrelavant endorsements in their profile. SpringRole takes on these problems head on in the following manner:

  • Skill endorsements have a small cost that is attached to it.
  • The person who is being endorsed has the option to accept or reject an endorsement.
  • The weight of the person endorsing in taken into account in his / her endorsement.
  • To make the system fair and transparent, the cost of endorsement will depend on several factors like the skill scores of the endorser, endorse and the rate of acceptance of endorsements.

Thus using the above mentioned processes, we can have a protocol that lets us have a public profile that is verified and can be trusted. As we continue to live in a world where the validity of the information that we read online needs to be trusted, SpringRole takes on this problem statement in professional network field. Blockchain technologies have enabled us for the first time to have an easily integrable and scalable solution where everyone can have an immutable and synchronized single version of the truth. SpringRole believes that the time is right to build a protocol that allows people to have verified resumes and recommendations that is powered via the blockchain.

Looking at the journey ahead of us, we are very excited to see the use cases and developments that come about when SpringRole in up and running. To join conversation visit SpringRole Telegram for latest updates follow us on Twitter

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