What is Swipe Crypto network, Advantages of ICO and Swipe network?

in #ico6 years ago (edited)


Content has changed the way we think and act particularly with the mobile revolution. It's estimated that an AVG of person uses his advice around 140 times a day with almost 85 Billion USD being generated in the previous year alone. While the options are immense, programmers struggle to know activity and monetize the content. Present's content monetization is flawed with conglomerates and brokers leaving consumers out of the image and in few cases use content without user's permission. Incentivization has to turn out to be fairer. The sector needs a new model.

The SWIPE Crypto Network provides consumers with an incentive to send content anonymously while offering purchasers with auditable reports. This allows fair deals across decentralized record were traders are enforced by smart agreements. The objectives of SWIPE Crypto Network are threefold:

• Help programmers understand clients better
• Allow programmers to monetize application content
• Reward data givers for the participation

Monetization is complete in mainly 2 ways.

• Direct: this refers to datasets in the shape of information package based streams (Excel) which can be sold or transaction with other entities via an intermediary.

• Indirect: this refers to datasets applied to enhance a firm's internal procedure like ROI (Return of Investment)

User analytics or marketplace research needs wide datasets which are applied for:

• Viewers segmentation on the basis of parameters
• Content driven marketing
• Behavior analysis is corresponding to trades.

Issues faced now:

The issues faced by the content monetization field are the absence of incentives and trust among buyers and consumers or among users. The lack of a comprehensive model is also a problem that needs tackling. Present's decentralized intermediaries action as a trusted side but this model absences clearness. Generally, content is shared without consumer permission and is often flawed due to the unfinished profiles. Consumers are not gifted for participation which makes them uncertain.

Proposed Solution

SWIPE Crypto Network is a decentralized system based on smart agreements that aggregate and analyses content across a collection of Application. It addresses the most vital concerns of the field by offering clearness, privacy, the incentive to consumers, and security.

SWIPE Crypto Brian is a content analytics platform built as a hybrid model of off-chain on-chain architecture that goals to build a platform where everybody can deal content fairly. It uses the block-chain to record deals, distribute income, manage lifecycles and apply governance logic applying intelligent agreements. Based on these laws SWIPE Crypto tokens allocated between users.

SWIPE Crypto Network when compared its opponents is clear, fair, personalized, possess engaging and rewarding data and provides full control to consumers.

Data Request Framework

• Content requestor R requests definite datasets from the market.
• Swipe Brain operations the request and if the content is avail informs R.
• R look at the strategy of the dataset and if it's suitable confirms this with Swipe Brain.
• Now content is requested from the Creator or the Swipe Brain SDK.
• Creator encrypts content and gives it to the Brain who in revolve sends it to R.


• The entire content collected is encrypted with open consumers key allowing just approved access. Intelligent agreements are made.

• Every request is forwarded to consumers who offer permissions to access to info campaign. Content is encrypted for purchasers.

Whenever consumers want to buy datasets, they pay in SWIPE tokens. As a gift for participations or joining the network consumers and purchasers are gifted applying SWIPE tokens.

Cell phone interaction with SWIPE Crypto

• SWIPE Crypto push: lets interaction among creators and users on the Lock screen itself, i.e. the initial point. This applies block tech to make sure clearness and allows security devices so that accidental clicks and mechanical traffic do not flaw content. Applied to deliver news mainly.

• Swipe Crypto Ads: this lets application creators to integrate their inbuilt ads platforms with SWIPE Crypto SDK allowing them to incentivized applying SWIPE tokens as in most matters creators do not know what advertisement is displayed on their application.

• SWIPE Crypto mission: here consumers are gifted for missions or tasks they done as applications install, surveys, etc.

• SWIPE Crypto market: a block chain powered decentralized marketplace for a product listing cross advertising and affiliate advertising between members.

• SWIPE Crypto Brain: joint content collected is analyzed in order to give reports with deep depth and super insights.

Parameters of the ICO information:

• ICO dates: TBA
• Ticker: SWIPE
• Platform: ETH
• Type- ERC: 20
• Full Supply: 100,000,000 SWIPE
• Accepts currency: ETH

For further Details about the SWIPE Crypto, Please visit these following links:

• Official Website: https://swipecrypto.com
• Whitepaper: https://swipecrypto.com/docs/SWIPE_whitepaper_rev1.0.pdf
• Telegram: https://t.me/swipecrypto
• Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/swipecrypto
• Medium: https://medium.com/swipecrypto
• GitHub: https://www.github.com/swipecrypto

my bitcointalk url – https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1281298

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
BTC 63294.77
ETH 2638.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70