What Is CARBONEUM? A detailed Introduction

in #ico6 years ago


The CARBONEUM is block powered centralized networking and social trading platform that permits its consumers to copy deals of other expert dealers and share their trading plans with other people on the platform. The network performs the exchange features by itself to give its users the needed level of analytics and dealing features. CARBONEUM is called after a combination of 2 words Carbon and Ethereum. The name CARBONEUM implies that the system acts as a carbon copy that allows its consumers to copy deals of others, learn their successful dealing plans, and uses smart agreements based on ETH.


CARBONEUM platform is a decentralized social trading market that allows its consumers to copy deals of other and connect with them on the protected block based platform. This network intends to design a public source in the framework for knowledge sharing concerning asset followed by an incentive piece that'll revolutionize the planet of social trading. The network strives difficult to democratize the social dealing experience via an open source allocated protocol named as COINRADARS.

Being on an open protocol designed on off-chain tech, the issue will be very compatible with other apps in the system including but not restricted Coin Max and Stock Radars. Coin Radars help unskilled users to follow other expert and copy their deals. Consumers have the choice to copy deals of other expert dealers either automatically or manually.

How Does It Work?

As mentioned before, CARBONEUM is a block-based centralized social dealing system that allows its users to copy deals of other expert traders; CARBONEUM now would like to let you know it works. The system charges a feature value of fee form. Consumers copying other expert deals on their successful deals. Consumers who want to avail the service offered the system need to get registered with the network. After successfully registering, customers can log in their profile and pick their favorite dealer following their threats preferences and hoped or desired returns.

When the leader/Follower contact is established among the trader and customer whose deals are being copied, the official for the execution of deals mechanically is passed to the platform via ERC: 20 smart agreements. When the customer deal yields a positive outcome, a factional rate of charges determined by the ecosystem is charged form her/him. A main side of the fee is then moved to the leading expert leader who was being copied as a markup or pleased for her/his services and the complete is kept by the platform as its revenue.

Earn CARBONEUM Tokens (C8)

People who wish to gain CARBONEUM tokens need to acquire themselves whitelisted. Joining can be completed online by accessing the official site. The pre-sale stage start is presently in progress and anyone can contribute to the pre-sale stage of the ICO to gain CARBONEUM coins.

Buy CARBONEUM Coins Using E-Wallets

Since the network is based on ETH, therefore, everyone who plans to buy CARBONEUM coins needs to send ETH to the platform applying their E-wallets. Before, people can purchase CARBONEUM coins people need to identify their info by uploading their ID-card with a selfie. After info of users have verified, and KYC passed, consumers will be allowed to purchase CARBONEUM coins. The ICO also schedules to get listed on several exchanges of the Globe. Investors can also purchase CARBONEUM coins from whole such exchanges for other virtual money.

The ICO Allocation

The ICO is already launched and it's expected that the ICO will last for about 30 days. It'll end on July 11th, 2018. Though, the ICO might close a little earlier if the target funding is reached. There'll be coin supply of 200,000,000 coins. The ICO will observe a difficult capping of 12,000,000 coins. No info concerning soft capping or aim fundraising has been disclosed by the Initial Coin offerings. The starting cost of the ICO coin is also not known so far.

Tokens Allocation

The ICO schedules to distribute its coins under the following proportion;

• 60% coins are planned to be allocated to the openly during Pre Sale and public sale of the ICO
• 12% of coins are planned to be allocated to the Partner & Team
• 20% of coins are planned to be allocated to the Platform
• 3% coins are planned to be allocated as to offer bounty programs and rewards by the ICO
• 05% of coins are planned to be allocated to the consultants to the Platform


After a detailed intro of CARBONEUM, we hereby some final lines the CARBONEUM is one of the ideal ICOs we have ever seen so far. The objective of the ICO is quite amazing and sound remarkable. Nothing on the official site of the CARBONEUM came to our observation that'd have made us conclude our view against the CARBONEUM ICO, we, thus, express our high confidence on the CARBONEUM ICO and anticipates it to be a victorious project. We recommend people invest in the CARBONEUM ICO open heartedly.

Useful links:

• website - https://carboneum.io
• telegram group - https://t.me/carboneum_c8

my bitcointalk url – https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1281298

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