Qilimanjaro : Next Computing Generation

in #ico6 years ago

Hello community steemit, in this new post I would like to introduce about Qilimanjaro project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

Quantum computation is no longer a far-off dream. The impressive achievements in the field have in recent years transformed an academic pursuit into an imminent commercial reality where classical computers will be outperformed on selected but extremely relevant tasks. We are witnessing the birth of a technological revolution that will reshape our society in which quantum computation is central. At present, a number of giant corporations, including Google, IBM, D-Wave, Rigetti, and Microsoft, are fiercely pursuing the construction of an operational quantum computer.

Qilimanjaro wants to open the world of quantum computation to every company and individual, without the need of buying a quantum computer or undertaking expensive partnerships with large players in the quantum computation race.

Our vision is to build a quantum computing platform available to most users, including individuals and corporations, and in this way providing access to novel quantum computing paradigms with the most transformative of all quantum technologies, at an accessible cost.

The Qilimanjaro Ecosystem

Explore the power of quantum computing in an easy and practical way

Qilimanjaro Computing Service (QCS)

  • The Quantum Computer
  • Accessible to everyone, with a user-friendly cloud platform
  • Built in stages to achieve a computing power of tens of qubits and prepare the ground for hundreds of qubits
  • Assembled along with other quantum processors that will research quantum annealing technology and gate-based quantum circuits.

Qilimanjaro Software Services (QSS)

  • Consulting Services
  • Our team of quantum technology consists of experts that support individuals and companies to offer them consulting services
  • Assistance to users willing to adapt their problems to quantum algorithms that run on quantum machines
  • Optimization of quantum algorithms to any existing quantum hardware
  • Running and analyzing experiments on our quantum computer.


  • A Universal Quantum Open Source Language
  • Qibo is able to work over any quantum programming environment
  • A key tool to boost progress of quantum technologies
  • Designed to reach a big community of programmers and enthusiasts interested in quantum programming.


  • An Open Quantum Community
  • Creating an ecosystem for decentralized quantum computation
  • The meeting point between scientific community and developers, a place to research and explore new and existing quantum algorithms
  • Review process by the Qilimanjaro team
  • Bounty program to outstanding contributions.

Quantum Computing Use Cases

Cryptography And Security

A full-fledged quantum computer puts in jeopardy all cryptographic algorithms such as RSA, DSA and EEC. Security must be improved by the use of quantum cryptography, which is robust against the attack of a quantum computer

Optimization Problems

Optimization any type of problems as optimization routines and scheduling. Quantum algorithms study all the possible solutions to a problem at the same time and present the correct solution more quickly

Training Of Neural Networks

An advantage may be obtained by using a quantum processor to train a neural network of a certain size, making it learn from its mistakes and self-correcting more quickly and efficiently

Quantum Chemistry

Deal with and solve problems related to the understanding of molecules and the design of new drugs, fertilizers, gases to capture atmospheric carbon, etc


Finding new ways to perform financial data modelling and in this way isolate risk factors.


The Qilimanjaro Crowdsale and the corresponding token creation process will be organized around smart contracts running on Ethereum. Participants willing to support the development of the Qilimanjaro Project can do so by sending Ether currency to the designated address. By doing so, they are purchasing QBITs Tokens (QBIT) which are sent instantly to their wallet.

  • The accepted currency during the ICO is Ether.
  • If the token sale campaign does not reach its minimal capital goal of EUR 8.000.000 all funds will be returned automatically to the QBIT holders by the Ethereum smart contract.
  • Token Creation has a hard cap: upon achieving this cap, token creation will stop, and no further contributions will be accepted.
  • Tokens that are not sold during the Crowdsale will be burned automatically by the smart contract. 

The burning of tokens could potentially increase the appreciation of the remaining

QBIT tokens as the total supply in circulation reduces. The QBIT token will be an Ethereum-based token of value. The token is a digital asset, bearing value by itself based on its underlying assets, properties and/or associated rights. Ethereum-based tokens rely on a well-established Ethereum infrastructure, benefiting from several advantages:

  • Security and predictability (as opposed to, for example, having to run an independent blockchain network).
  • Use of robust and well-supported clients (Ethereum-based tokens can be managed with official Ethereum clients).
  • High liquidity, easier listing on exchanges with infrastructure already in place.

Our Ethereum-based token contract complies with the ERC20 standard. More detailed info about the ERC20 standard can be obtained from: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20.


Although the objectives of the QCS department are longer term (since the construction of a full-fledged quantum computer is laborious and long), the objectives of QSS team are much more immediate. 

Q platform will be rolled out during Q3-Q4 2018. By that time the consulting service will already be operating at full capacity

Q3 2016 - Q4 2017

Trek In

Qilimanjaro Team publishes the first paper ever that exploits a remote cloud quantum computer

The first qubits arrive at the Qilimanjaro Computation Services for testing

Q1 2018

Base Camp

Whitepaper release

Contacts with a number of strategic partners

Q2 2018

Acclimatation Climbs


Deals with a number of strategic partners

Token sale

Q4 2018

Progressive Climbs

QSS portal release

Qilimanjaro Software Services starts giving consultancy services through our access to the quantum computers of other companies

OpenQ release

Establishment of QCS laboratory. Delivery of dilution refrigerators and other large equipment

Q2 2019

First Camp

First experiments with flux qubits by the Qilimanjaro Computing Services

Development of own qubit fabrication

OpenQ is being developed and tested with actual experimental setup

Q4 2019

High Camp

Qilimanjaro Community development

Corporate client accounts provide a continuous influx of problems to solve

Launch of first-ever small-sized cloud quantum annealer (5 qubits)

Q2 2020

Glacier Camp

First 10-qubit coherent quantum annealer assembled and tested

QSS develop new algorithms for quantum annealer

Q4 2021

Attacking the Summit

Qilimanjaro Software Services operates at full blast offering own quantum computer

First coherent quantum annealer assembled and tested

Q4 2022

Exploring the Cone

50-qubit, large-scale coherent quantum annealer attempts to reach quantum supremacy

Q4 2023

The Summit

100-qubit coherent quantum annealer

Q3 2016 - Q4 2017

Trek In

Qilimanjaro Team publishes the first paper ever that exploits a remote cloud quantum computer

The first qubits arrive at the Qilimanjaro Computation Services for testing

Q1 2018

Base Camp

Whitepaper release

Contacts with a number of strategic partners

Q2 2018

Acclimatation Climbs


Deals with a number of strategic partners

Token sale

Q4 2018

Progressive Climbs

QSS portal release

Qilimanjaro Software Services starts giving consultancy services through our access to the quantum computers of other companies

OpenQ release

Establishment of QCS laboratory. Delivery of dilution refrigerators and other large equipment

Q2 2019

First Camp

First experiments with flux qubits by the Qilimanjaro Computing Services

Development of own qubit fabrication

OpenQ is being developed and tested with actual experimental setup

Q4 2019

High Camp

Qilimanjaro Community development

Corporate client accounts provide a continuous influx of problems to solve

Launch of first-ever small-sized cloud quantum annealer (5 qubits)

Q2 2020

Glacier Camp

First 10-qubit coherent quantum annealer assembled and tested

QSS develop new algorithms for quantum annealer

Q4 2021

Attacking the Summit

Qilimanjaro Software Services operates at full blast offering own quantum computer

First coherent quantum annealer assembled and tested

Q4 2022

Exploring the Cone

50-qubit, large-scale coherent quantum annealer attempts to reach quantum supremacy

Q4 2023

The Summit

100-qubit coherent quantum annealer

To contribute and Know the progress of this offer, you may visit some of the following Links:


Author: SanZoldyck

My BitCointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1045517;sa=summary   

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