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RE: The Reason Why ICOs Have Been Going Through The Roof...

in #ico7 years ago

Great article and this is precisely the reason for all the negative pub regarding ICOs. I know there have been quite a few from China that have simply been money grads when looked into. This is like anything else, when something is successful, everyone tries to copy it for a quick buck which attracts those with no scruples.


Great article? wow are you all blind? Youre all prasiing this steemit user like he wrote this ! HE DIDNT WRITE THIS he barely writes ANY of his posts! theiy all clearly state 'authored by SOMEONE ELSE from SOME IOTHER WEBSITE and thats NOT OK he cant just keep getting paid for posting other peoples articles! thats not what steemit is about, steemit isnt just a place to repost other peoples work and get paid for it, wtf, i actually take the time to write my posts, and this guy just reposts other peoples ork, i think many steemit whales would be very upset to see someone getting rich making thousands of steemopower just posting other peoples work.....

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